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Date Posted: 03:00:12 10/17/02 Thu
Author: Rock
Subject: Rants and Raves

Dark: I really like this board, it's quick, no popups, don't have to register/login and the website is super easy to remember when YOU CAN'T USE YOUR OWN FRIKKIN PC!

rave: Visual Pinball is a top download and there's lots of tables to play/get

rant: This website is good without all the high bandwidth animations / features but it could do with a latest news column on the home page and some links to the ORPA

rant: Maybe we could have a weekly/monthly competition for the guild like member of the month who gets thier pic on the webpage etc..

question: Does anybody know if its possible to download games for a Nokia 3330 via WAP?

quote for the day: I see your account has an overdue amount of $850.12. Will you be paying that today by credit card?

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