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Date Posted: 01:48:13 10/18/02 Fri
Author: Linn
Subject: Moving house again

I am on the move again. I was wandering around felucca (strange how they name a land after an egyptian boat), and discovered an area where two large towers could be placed. I was not planning on moving there myself as I could not afford the 250k required to buy a tower deed from a faction vendor, so mentioned it to a couple of ingame friends. One of which snapped up the opportunity, and gave me a little box as a ty.
I accepted thinking that it would be a few seeds I had enquired about buying off him, and lo and behold there was another tower deed which he would not accept back.
After a little thinking I have decided to give it a go, and have placed quite close to Trinny moongate in Fel, so hopefully no more problems losing crates as I try to sort my bods.
If anyone wants to come see, let me know, and I will show you the way at the weekend.
In the meantime there is one other side to the bargain I have to keep, and that is to sell my villa to a friend of his at a 'cheapish' price if he so desires.

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