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Subject: Responses

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Date Posted: Wed, Mar 07 2007, 8:04:30 am PST

gothicwoman: I know this is very late, but thank you for the birthday wishes. :)
I wish I could reply to your Angel comment, but the only season I own is #5. I still haven't seen the end of "Rain of Fire" (the episode when Connor and Cordy sleep together). I fell asleep watching it when it first aired, and it's never been rerun that I've caught. Maybe I was lucky, though. When everyone was gagging over their pairing, I remained in ignorant bliss of the mental visual. :D

dogtrot: Do you buy the Buffy comics? I don't think I've ever even seen one around here.
I watched the WB's farewell to everything but Dawson's Creek (never had an interest in that show). I taped the Angel pilot to keep, and I was very happy to get it. :) Don't mention "good shows that didn't catch an audience" though. I'm still mad about Firefly!
Speaking of good shows, are you watching Heroes? That and Bones are my favorites of the newer programs. As for the rest, I'm still very caught up in Veronica Mars, Lost and Smallville. How I Met Your Mother has gotten much better (more Aly!), but this season of Gilmore Girls is so bad I'd quit watching if I wasn't so determined to see how it all ends. (cc EmilyBoo)

EmilyBoo: I wish I could remember the details of Everwood's final episode so I could fill you in, but I've forgotten. :(
You and hubby went to Paris? When? Tell us more!

Kung Fu Cowboy: Good job avoiding your axe's enthusiastic greeting! One has to stay sharp around otherworldly entities. :D I think there was a pun in there somewhere, but I won't belabor the point.
I have many questions for you - which is entirely your own fault, for writing such a nice post. :P
1. Are you enjoying working for the Army again?
2. Do you still plan on going to Uni? (To be a teacher, right?)
3. Have you seen Firefly yet? (You need to - it's fantastic!)
4. Did you get your dog? We had a beagle when I was a kid. (He was the first dog I remember having.) His name was Skipper, but we called him The Bushmuncher because he liked to eat my mom's decorative foliage. :)

Rack: I was reading your posts about the trip to New York, and when I got to the part about the much delayed postcard it struck a chord. If you think you have trouble with the postal service, you should experience our mail carrier! She gives our mail away to anyone within a two block radius of our house, and yesterday hubby found a piece of our downstairs neighbor's mail laying on the sidewalk! Since both daughters' tax return checks are coming to this address, we are more than a little concerned. Hubby had a talk with her.
I really enjoyed reading about your trip again. :) Too bad you can't post a link to some pictures. What have you been up to lately?

Well, I think that's everyone that posts here anymore. On the off chance we still have a few lurkers, I'd like to send out a big HELLO to tarasApprentice, Watcher, LdyKnight, Fire, Lionhunter, Mazzy, Gabrielle, Phoenix, Corsa and the rest of the old gang. I don't know how many of you remember QTWillow, but quite some time ago she asked me to say "hi" for her the next time I stopped by, so a very belated greeting from her, too. She's doing well - and in college now, believe it or not! Time flies.....

I'll be around until the end of the month. {{Hugs}} all.

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