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Subject: WooHoo!

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Date Posted: Mon, Mar 26 2007, 9:01:07 pm PDT

Almond dashes into The Magic Box pursued by a Minor Crisis, two Undone Chores and a small band of Real Life Denizens. Slamming the door in their collective faces, she grabs dogtrot and gives him a huge {{hug}}. Something resembling sawdust spurts out of his ears and drifts to the floor.

Don't you just love the virtual world - where one can out-run demons and shut a stout imaginary door to keep them at bay? *g*

dogtrot: The package came today! Thank you, Thank You, THANK YOU!!! It's absolutely fantastic!
Of course, I've already read the comic. *g* [spoiler] What a wonderful season 8 opening episode it would have made. *s* I loved the fact that it addressed the A:tS episode with Buffy and The Immortal. I wasn't happy with that storyline, and thought the explanation given in the comic was hilarious. *g* Dawn's "growing pains" and the conversation between her and Buffy were very amusing, too.
I assumed the government types were some off-shoot of the Initiative? They must not have gotten the memo, or they wouldn't be messing with our girl! *g*
I just loved everything about it - especially the ending. Hee! I'm so grateful you went to such trouble just so I could read it! *s*
[end spoiler for new Buffy comic]

Almond munches a few Cadbury Eggs. Mmmm, chocolate! She smiles in joyful bliss.

I was very touched by the effort you went through to give me all those seasons of Buffy, too. *s* I don't quite know how to tell you this, but.....uh.....you mis-read my post, sweetie. It's Angel I only own one season of - I was lucky enough to get all the Buffy episodes some time ago. Your gift was still greatly appreciated, however. Girl-Not-A-Child loves Buffy, too. We started watching it together when she was just 8. So since she only had one vhs tape with 5 or 6 episodes on it, I passed it on to her. She was thrilled! She said to tell you, "thank you very much - now my friend Jake and I have something good to watch together!"

My dear, I am so sorry to hear about poor Dodger! You must miss him very much. {{Hugs}} I'm sure it comforted him to have you there at the end. I could tell you it hurts less with the passage of time, but right now I'm sure you don't want to hear what must sound like a cliche. :(

I have more to say in response to your last post, but I'm falling over tired and must *poof* for bed. I'll be back tomorrow, though, and babble more then. G'night!

Almond eyes the comfy chair with longing, but heads out the door instead.

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