Subject: The long way home... |
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Date Posted: Mon, Apr 23 2007, 7:45:04 am PDT
Finally got my hands on the first two issues of season 8 just over a week ago. Buffy season 8 babble ensues ***
A few things are of immediate interest such as how the slayers get so organised so quickly? Their equipment alone must run into millions and seeing as the watchers council was wiped-out at the end of season 7, who finances them? I doubt very much if Joss will explain this.
This network of small ¡°cells¡± of slayers has attracted the attention of the US military; citing them as terrorists. Which I suppose plays on current US foreign and perhaps internal fears (but it¡¯s not really my place to say if this is true or not). The reason that I say this is the US Military rather than the Initiative is that they are aware of demons, vampires and such like and probably conversant on the slayer and slayer lore. So it¡¯s pretty unlikely that they would confuse demon slayers for terrorists.
It¡¯s a little too early (possibly) to tell who the ¡°big bad¡± will be but it appears as though the people with the crescent and star on their torso will be significant. As usual with BtVS there are a number of threads and adversaries running through the season and it¡¯s nice to see the tradition upheld with the reintroduction of Amy. This was fairly easy to guess with the statement that they had requested cheese. A lot of cheese. This meant that it was either tarasAppentice or ex-rat Amy, and tarasApprentice has never been to Sunnydale (or at least I don¡¯t think that she has!!!).
Joss nicely explains that it wasn¡¯t the "real" buffy who we saw (or rather didn¡¯t see) in season five of Angel dating the Immortal but merely a double to fool people into thinking that she¡¯s a skanky ho who dates supernatural beings when in reality ¡¦.erm¡¦she¡¯s a skanky ho who dates supernatural demons (no apologies, I still haven¡¯t forgiven her for what she did to you-know-who in season three).
Xander apparently has given up the construction business and is now some sort of pseudo-watcher come military commander. Looks like Ethan did Xander a favour when he became military guy in season two¡¯s Halloween episode, it appears to have put him in good stead for the future.
Dawn, it has to be said has problems, big problems. Not least of all where does she get her clothes from. But does she have to contaminate the beautiful Scottish highlands by bathing in its streams?
Now, I¡¯m sure I¡¯ve mentioned way back in season six that slayer¡¯s are fine beating-up on some unspeakable evil but they are pretty much useless against magickal users. Although, it did strike me as odd that Amy put some sort of ¡°sleeping beauty¡± spell on Buffy if she was intending to kill her. I mean, what¡¯s the point? I suspect that Amy probably assumed that Buffy would have some form of Willow supplied mystical protection. Amy in season six provided evidence enough that she as improving magically, although still behind Willow, and was jealous of Willow¡¯s ability and it could be that Amy was trying to prove that she is finally a match for Willow as well as taking Buffy out of action for a while.
The big question seems to be just who (or is it a case of what?) is Amy¡¯s boyfriend? From what I can tell it could be either Warren, magically brought back from the dead by Amy. As Willow killed Warren she might see him as a natural ally in her Willow hatred. Other possibilities are Adam, but I don¡¯t see any mileage in resurrecting him. Another possibility is that it is my namesake Rack. Again, another victim of Willow¡¯s (and he didn¡¯t kill anybody) and he¡¯s already known to Amy from before season six and what better to have on your side than a warlock?
But for me the best news is that she¡¯s back and will be soon heading for England!!!!! Yes It¡¯s the most scrumptious of slayer¡¯s F¢¾ith. If she¡¯s in need of a guide to this green and pleasant land then I always available. ***
Babble ends here.
Hope everyone is well.
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