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Subject: Something Almond this way comes....

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Date Posted: Thu, Jun 23 2005, 6:49:19 am PDT

Such a seemingly simple question sure brought forth some thoughtful and interesting answers. Good job, tarasApprentice! I enjoyed reading everyone's responses. Do you suppose that - now that the show has been off the air for awhile - we're ready to start filling the void with a little discussion again? *s*

It was hard to choose one character because, as Gothic said, all of the folk who peopled the Buffyverse were given a depth not found in other shows, and the main characters had a richness of detail to them that still amazes me. A casually inserted comment, such as in "Amends" when Cordelia exposed Xander's family secret of heavy drinking, is followed by another dollop of detail, for example Xander mentioning the uncle with the drinking problem in "The Zeppo"(cc Kung Fu - I watched that recently, too!), and is later shown to be a significant factor in shaping who he is as a person - resulting in the sad outcome of "Hell's Bells". It just made one respect him more for over-coming the obstacles in his early life to develop into the admirable man he became as the series progressed. In what other ways do you suppose Xander's family problems affected his personality and attitudes through-out the series? Do you think it had anything to do with his ability to "see" more clearly than the others? In connection to this, I always found it interesting that he was the first to see the good in not only Cordy (cc Rack) but also Anya when everyone else was ready to dismiss them out of hand. He saw the inherent danger in Angel - and I don't think it was just jealousy that made him react the way he did to the Broody One. Perhaps his experience in dealing with the extreme changes alcohol can bring out in a person's personality caused him to become adept at looking beneath the surface.

I sometimes wonder if Joss had all our questions about the characters answered in his head before he introduced us to them. I imagine a file cabinet filled with thick biographies gathering dust somewhere as he moves on to other projects. It makes me want to plan a midnight raid on his old offices. Anyone up for a spot of B&E?

I have more to say *hears the concerted groan from cyber-space*, but I can't take any more time just now. We're off to the lawyer's office to sign some crap.
Before I *poof*, I wanted to mention that I've been having some trouble getting through the front door, too. (cc Dogtrot, EmilyBoo, Gothic). Please tell me the Box isn't about to do a magical disappearing act!
Also, for those of you who aren't involved with LJ, I have big though time-delayed news. Hubby became a "grumpa" in April. Which makes me "Granny Di" by marriage. (Hey, I'll take grandma-hood any way I can get it! *g* Babies to spoil! Hee!) A little girl born two months early now "graces" our world. She's still in the neo-natal unit of a near-by town, but she's doing well and should be home soon.

Got to run. {{Hugs}} to all!

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