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Subject: Goat?!

Kung Fu Cowboy
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Date Posted: Thu, Sep 01 2005, 9:39:26 pm PDT

oh no! The normal [as normal as anything that frequents the Magic Box can be] inhabitants of the Box have been left to run amock while the rest of us get on with our RL. Guess I'll just have to take care of 'em while you guys are busy...

Kung Fu dons a blue robe that seemingly came from nowhere and begins to tend to the animal denizens of the Box, as well as the normal run of the mill dust and mess that usually builds up.

He chases the goat away from Dogtrot's post and pulls a sack of lucerne from his robe [it's that kind of robe], which the goat immediately nabs and trots out the back to uncertain regions.

A seemingly freshly slaughtered lamb is next which he throws to the panther to keep it from eating either the imp or the goat.

...uncertain exactly what to feed the imp he hands it a menu. The imp snatches the manu out of Kung Fu's hand and just gobbles that up.

"hmm...ok that's all the living inhabitants covered now, what to do about this mess?"

Kung Fu picks up a broom and draws a spellbook out of his robe and starts to chant...
..the broom immediately takes it upon itself to sweep the floor, walls cieling and indeed anything else it decides it can reach, but upon having completed it's task will not stop!

Kung Fu reaches for his Extra Sharp battleaxe [which some kind person has left neatly in a corner and cuts the broom in twain. Shock! Horror! There are now two brooms sweeping madly! Kung Fu [who, at this point is beginning to look a little like Mickey Mouse] chops the brooms until they are little more than saw dust, then thinking quickly pulls out a flame thrower from his robe and burns the heck out of the still twitching fragments of broom. With that Kung Fu Cowboy throws off his robe and runs madly out the back door.

...All is now quiet in the Magic Box, and there is little movement except for lamb being eaten rather sloppily and an evil imp sitting on top of a bookcase with a terribly impish looking grin.

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