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Subject: HI Guys!

Kung Fu Cowboy
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Date Posted: Thu, Jan 27 2005, 7:49:26 pm PST

Almond the school systems are very different. There are limited places on all the different courses. Some are allocated to people who will pay there own fees on the spot and others are for government subsidised positions [student loans]. The position I applied for was a government subsidised one. Something that makes me feel a little better is that this year something like 10000 less students applied because of rising fees.

Almond's "It's Too Quiet in Here Quiz"

1. What special occasion is next on your calendar?
Trying to get into uni is still dominating my mind so I'd have to say Round 2 offers on Feb 3. My foster mum's b'day is also on the same day.

2. Do you have a summer project this year, and have you actually started it?
Define "started"? I have lots of things that I want to do and that I am doing but I don't really have a project as such. is sitting around like a couch potato a project?

3. Which current TV show has caused you to have a "Buffy moment"?
Well I've been watching season 5 and 6 Buffy on DVD. I missed most of these 2 seasons when they were on TV here in Australia so they are current to me. I suppose though that because I already know what happens anyway that I can't offer any theories.

4. Have you kept your New Years Resolutions?
I make a point of not making any. It seems to me that most people make theirs when they are fairly drunk and if the actually write them down to remember them, the only time they see the piece of paper is the next New Years Eve when they are casting about looking for a piece of paper to write down their New Year's Resolution. All seems rather pointless to me. Why is any resolution made on new year's eve any more important than a promise you make at any other time?

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