Subject: Wonderfalls |
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Date Posted: Sun, Feb 27 2005, 7:06:18 am PST
We bought the dvd set yesterday. I'd be doing a happy dance, but I just woke up, and I haven't had my recommended daily dosage of coffee yet. *s*
We watched "Wax Lion" and "Pink Flamingos" with hubby's oldest son as soon as we got home, which were the first two episodes on the set. I was right about one thing I'd heard and mentioned here - they did show the episodes we saw on tv out of order. According to the order on the set, "PF" should have been shown second, but it was shown last after "WL", "Karma Chameleon" and "Wound-up Penguin". I'm going to pay attention as we watch the next two episodes and see if this disrupted the continuity of the show.
tarasApprentice: I haven't heard about VM being released on dvd, but I'm sure Rack (and perhaps some others here) will be thrilled to learn that the first (and only?) season of Tru Calling is out on dvd. Lost is supposed to be coming out in September.
That's so cool about getting to meet Brian Turk! I've heard good things of Carnivale, but I haven't seen it, since it's on a cable channel we don't get.
"Lost" talk: (in spoiler, of course) * Now that it's been revealed to the whole group that Sun (that's her name, right?) can speak English, her husband will be the odd man out in the group in future episodes - especially since they've split up and she won't be near-by to translate. This got me to thinking - we saw him begin to use a little English when he said "boat" to Micheal at the end of the last episode. Does anyone think the island is going to pull another "mysterious miracle" (like the "Locke can suddenly walk" thing) and have him learn the language at an accelerated rate? The actor is too good to waste in a fringe role. (He was "Gavin" on AtS, you know.)
I totally saw the "boy burned the boat" coming. He did not look happy when his dad was talking about leaving. * I hope this show is shown in other countries next year, so we can all talk about it. I think Kung Fu and Gabriella might be especially interested, since there are so many flashbacks to the characters' time in Sydney pre-crash.
Lurking a bit this morning......
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