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Subject: Dogtrot

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Date Posted: Fri, Mar 04 2005, 4:17:14 am PST

I watch Lost in real-time and Smallville later now - that's how wrapped up I am in the show. I blame you for this, you know. *g*
I love the back-stories, mainly because I'm still trying to get a sense of who the characters are so I can connect to them. Of course the way those flashes add to the over-all plot doesn't hurt, either. ;-)
I hope it doesn't become too "X-Files". I don't want the answer to it all to be aliens. That's too easy of a cop-out. Unspoiled speculation: I've read some fans think everyone died in the crash and they're all in a kind of purgatory. Conspiracy theorists say "experimental government island". I don't think that last one takes into account all the inter-weaving elements that led the passengers to the same flight, or how they began to become connected in various ways before they crashed together. It might be some combination of both, though. An experiment in psi powers let loose on the world to draw others there? That doesn't explain Claire's baby, though. Hmmm.....
The writing is great. I hope they draw out the mystery and continue the character developement.
I thought the "numbers" were a fascinating addition. I wondered if they would prove to be a phone number to some significant outside agency, but when I googled the area code it didn't exist - though it is being held in reserve for somewhere or something unknown. You could try calling it and see who you get. *eg*
I'm glad they are finally doing more with Hurley than have him say "Dude" at intervals. His story has let us see a whole new side to him. I also love that he connected so quickly with you-know-who. Then came back at the end and casually handed you-know-what to the others. *g*

Did you get to see AH on VM? Was she great? I understand the role was small but may be recurring.

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