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Subject: Hanging on the telephone

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Date Posted: Wed, May 25 2005, 3:39:05 am PDT

Watcher: Hope that you're settling into your new homestead okay. I'm opted for the Skype VOIP system having had a quick look at Vonage. Vonage does have some benefits in that you don't need to have your p.c. on to make and receive calls and you also get the equipment for free plus you get a proper phone number, but the package that they have for calling normal land lines is £9.99 a month. I'm not a heavy phone user so that was more than I would use in calls anyway.

I brought a VOIP adaptor box off eBay that allows you to connect to your computers USB and your land line. To make calls to normal land lines Skype sell credit in 10 euro blocks (about £7.00 or $12.60 and lasts for 180 days) and calls work out at about 2 euro cents (about 1.5 pence or 2.5 cents) per minute. Plus it's that same low rate for phoning most places abroad - but I notice that Hawaii and Alaska are exceptions for calls to the US, guess that there have to be some drawbacks for living in such a paradise.

But as you say there are disadvantages to VOIP telephony and I'm not too sure if you could rely on it as your sole means of communication. However, if you have relatives/friends abroad it is a good way to keep in voice contact at a more affordable price.

Should anyone else be interested, click on this for Skype's website and click on this for the Vonage website. There are other VOIP providers, e.g. Packet8, but these two seem to amongst the biggest and most popular.

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