Subject: Back from the back of beyond.... |
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Date Posted: Mon, Aug 16 2004, 8:23:18 am PDT
Well it's been a while but I've finally made it back to my murky corner of darkness. Regrettably, I'm working away in Milton Keynes at least until the end of the month but seeing as I'm back in the office for today I'll see if I can "borrow" one of the firm's old steam powered laptops to take with me.
Okay a quick update on the Magic Box Quiz. It seems that we finally have someone who managed to get 100%!! So congratulations Alexa for being the first person to crack tarasApprentice's quiz.
As that quiz is getting a little old we could do with a new one. So if anyone out there fancies putting their fellow posters under some mental anguish then send me your questions along with the answers and I'll upload them for you. There should be around 10 to 15 questions, multiple choice, Yes/No or True/False format. You know the usual stuff. Just to warn you people that teddy is working on one at the moment and the little fur ball has managed to come up with two Charmed/Buffy related questions. So if no one else comes up with one before him we'll have to suffer those.
When I was in the local newsagents this weekend looking for some reading material for those long lonely nights stuck in a cheep hotel room I spotted the Buffy and Angel magazines both had a pictures of her most gorgeousness on the cover and were carrying interviews with Eliza. Needless to say that I purchased both and look forward to reading her words with bated breath. Anyways, I did quickly leaf through the mags and they carried news of further additions to the Best of Buffy DVD range. Already available are the Best of...Willow, Angel, Spike, Buffy and F♥ith. The new ones being added are Xander, Giles, Cordelia and Dawn (a must for the Doz squad no doubt). Strangely they have missed a Best of Kennedy but surely that must be in the pipe works. Cynical marking ploy or a chance to give those who can't afford the full season DVDs a chance to purchase some classic episodes spotlighting their favourite character - I'll let you decide that. The new additions are expected around November and retail at about £12.99 (Sorry, I don't know if they're available in the U.S.)
They also carried news of the planned Buffy the animated series, no official air date as yet but it seems stars like Alyson Hannigan, Nick Brendon and Anthony Head are onboard for the series, which was well underway sometime ago before the planned network pulled the plug. Anyway, it looks like Fox have stepped into the breach and all systems are go.
Also in the works is an Angel Soundtrack the proposed track listing is as follows:-
Angel Theme (0.54) Rebellion (3.08) Cordy Meets Fred (3.23)
Start of the Apocalypse (3.36) The Trails for Darla (5.59) Princess Cordelia (1.23)
The End of the World (1.42) Dreaming of Darla (2.23) Angel Beats the Bad Guys (3.25)
Massive Assault (3.15) Untouched/Darla's Fire (2.14) Faith Takes a Turn (3.55)
Home (1.55) Darla's Sacrifice (5.41) Billy (2.37)
Hero (5.24) Welcome to Pylea (4.21) Farewell Cordelia (1.11)
Judgement and Jousting (2.38) Through the looking Glass (4.08) LA Song (3.08)
The Birth of Angelus (3.31) Castle Attack (2.23) Lady Marmalade (3.04)
What!!! I hear you scream.."No Mandy???!!!???". Well that's just what I said too. Still it can be found somewhere on radio Magic Box.
Oh before I forget...tarasApp I managed to get my rather grubby little mits on some "Wonderfalls" items. Nothing special - one of them is a plastic carrier bag from the gift shop, but I thought you might like them seeing how you're a fan of the show.
Nearly time to wrap things up, so for the first time in a while and maybe the last time for a long while ....(fanfare sounds)'s Rack's track of the week. Delving back in time yet again, in fact I'm going back to the seventies when hair was long and I was short, not much taller than teddy is now. A number from one of the pioneers of glam metal, yes this weeks offering is Love Gun by Kiss.
In their heyday the Kiss army probably out numbered the current size of the entire British Army and they generated enough merchandising to dwarf the gross economic output of many a small country (and probably Britain too) . Other artists had worn makeup (Alice Cooper, Crazy World of Arthur Brown)before them, other artists had worn silly stage costumes (pretty much everyone can go in here)..but Kiss did it bigger and far more ridiculously than anyone else. Known to their legion of fans by names such as "Star child", "Demon /God of Thunder", "Space Ace" and "The Cat", faces plastered with so much makeup their local Avon lady must have become multi millionaire after six months. But what about the music I hear you ask (you are asking right?). Well, Kiss always looked heavier than they sounded, but that I don't mean that it looks like they eat all the pies, but more that the image tended to over (eye)shadow the music. But despite that it would be unfair to say that Simmons and Stanley didn't come up with a half decent tune every now and then and Love Gun is one of them. Politically correct? Weelllll - no. Sexist?? Sexy? What's wrong with being sexy? (copy write Spinal Tap) But who cares, certainly not I. A nice crunchy guitar intro and a quite bombastic, simplistic and catchy riff and lyrics that will infect you brain and have your tongue lolling around your (fake)blood splattered mouth. Suddenly those ridiculously high stack heel boots don't seem so bad now.
Until the next time....
Take care all!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!.
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