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Subject: Hey Ho!

Kung Fu Cowboy
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Date Posted: Sun, Sep 26 2004, 4:52:49 am PDT

a small swirling maelstrom of energy begins to turn in the air just in front of the counter of the Magic Box. A Battleaxe lying apparently forgotten in a corner clatters to the ground as the maelstrom gets bigger. With a sound like a hundred thousand people saying "WOP" out falls Kung Fu Cowboy...directly onto his head

Long way to bring a lot of people to say one word...

Hi everyone! How goes it in the big wide world?

Apparently I've been pulled out of lurkdom, but that's okay I've been meaning to post for a while, just haven't been able to think of anything to say. Some things never change.
Congratulations FortuneTeller! on your forthcoming child; I hope all goes well for you and the bub in the coming months.

As for me I'm winding down during my last few months in the Army. I'm discharging on December 10 and it's exciting but a little scary at the same time. I've put in my application to go to university next year, now I just have to wait to see if I get accepted or not. At 24 I've been in the army for seven years so it's going to be a massive change but I'm hoping it will be worth it. Anyway if it doesn't then I'm pretty sure there is some good accomodation to be had in Card Board Box real estate.

Almond What have you managed to do to yourself now? I myself managed to stab myself in the leg with a very sharp knife a couple of weeks ago, I hope your arm isn't that painful.

I got my Star Wars DVD box set last week. It's just as good as I had hoped. I don't usually admit it even to myself but I am a Star Wars nerd [or is that just a plain nerd], I can't help it; it's all just so cool. I'm just hoping the dvds will tide me over until next May when episode three comes out.

Hey that's where I left my battleaxe. I think I'll leave it hear for now, my friends are keeping me away from sharp objects at the moment.

Later All!

With a sound like a hundred thousand people saying "FOOP" Kung Fu Cowboy disappears

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