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Subject: What's.....

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Date Posted: Fri, Oct 15 2004, 6:20:40 am PDT

Small, brown and fury and eats loads of cookies.....It's teddy bear!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Hi all....just doing a quick post as we're off on a long weekend and the nasty ol' warlock has left me no end of chores to do.

LdyKnight: Hay nice to see you again.. Did you take the ducks with you to Uni? Your room must be pretty small if you think the one Buffy had was big. From what I recall it wasn't that spacious. Anyway, hope all goes well for you and good luck with getting into Evita next semester.

Dogtrot: It's difficult finding something decent to fill the void left by BtVS and Angel but I don't know if Sky's attempt at a copy will succeed. Buffy was innovative and ground breaking but Hex appears to be little more that a clone albeit with some minor changes. Still a pale imitation is better than nothing I guess.
I know some people here aren't into Charmed, but I like to see the witches kick some warlock bottom...and Phoebe!! Rack can't stand the thing and couldn't understand why Cole Turner kept turning into "Darth Maul" as he put it.

tarasApprentice: I don't know about a wake..perhaps a seance for the computer would be a better idea. Rack claims that to easy Willow's conscious over the death of a poor innocent warlock that his name sake should be brought back by Buffy. Typical warlock..always thinking of themselves.

I have to inform you people of terrible atrocities that are being inflected on poor defenceless teddy bears. On Rack's favourite cable music channel (- if you can call the stuff that he listens to music), Kerrang (channel 819 on NTL), they have something called "Ready, Teddy, Death". In this poor excuse for entertainment little teddy bears like me are horribly killed in all sorts of fashion. From being burnt to death at the stake or by fireworks, drowned, set in cement...oh the list goes on. Rack says they are being punished for watching Charmed and cheering on witches. Secretly, I wouldn't be surprised if he was behind it. I'm pretty sure that I saw him writing to them. He says it was to demand that they play some Lawnmower Deth, but I'm not so sure now.

Quickly time for...Rack's teddy bear's track of the week. Seeing as we shall be there a week this Saturday..it's "New York, New York" by Frank Sinatra
Okay, you know how it goes and it's time for these little vagabond shoes stray back to my chores otherwise I might end up on "Ready, Teddy, Death".....oh hum.


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