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Subject: Dogtrot

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Date Posted: Thu, Nov 11 2004, 7:56:55 pm PST

Isn't that an old Chinese curse? "May you live in interesting times."
Hmmm, I just googled it. This was interesting:

May you live in interesting times is a phrase that is often quoted as being the English translation of an ancient Chinese proverb and curse. However, many people have searched for the original Chinese language version and have not been able to determine its origin. It has been attributed to various American speakers, though research is continuing into the phrase's first appearance. It dates back to at least 1950, when the April issue of Astounding Science Fiction included the saying in one of the magazine's stories. The story was penned by Eric Frank Russell under the name Duncan H. Munro. It is currently unknown if Russell created the phrase himself or heard it from somewhere else. The saying has also been attributed to the fictional Chinese storyteller Kai Lung invented by the Edwardian author Ernest Bramah, though this too has yet to be documented. It is reported that it was the first of three curses of increasing severity, the other two being:

"May you come to the attention of those in authority."
"May you find what you are looking for."

I haven't watched Desperate Housewives. (We usually watch Charmed, then catch up on a couple of shows that were taped during the week.) There was an article about it in this week's TV Guide that made it sound like a good bet, but did you know it's being targeted by some of those "family values groups" that attacked BtVS? They've already bullied Tyson Foods and Lowe's Home Improvement into pulling their advertising.

I really like Veronica Mars, but I've seen some numbers that show it isn't doing very well. I can't understand this, but then I'm still in denial about Firefly and Wonderfalls.

When are you going to get a livejournal? It's an exciting world - one of it's members was recently visited by the Secret Service due to an entry she made. I myself am aiming much higher. If I can't manage to get a houseplant bugged by the CIA - well, let's just say I'll feel I haven't fullfilled my dramatic destiny. Interesting times, indeed. *g*

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