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Subject: Random responses

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Date Posted: Wed, Jun 09 2004, 3:43:36 pm PDT

First, gotta chime in on the UFO thing. Now I have two stories the first one may not have been as it took place while I lived in Vegas and Edwards Air Force base is in close proximity but still...I was sitting outside in front of a friends house talking and another neighbor who was there, along with myself looked up at the exact same moment to see,a triangular object in the sky, it was of a slate grey color and hovered there in the sky for maybe 30 seconds before it took off so fast and was comepletely gone from range of sight so rapidly we could only think "UFO." It was bizzare. I have been to air shows before and all but I just could not fathom something human made that was capable of moving that way.
The second story took place when I was maybe 12 or so. My father and a very close extended group of friends ventured up to some remote mountian area in California one evening and remained there through late night. At one point in the night I was lying on a blanet on the ground with two other girls a few years older than myself and we felt what we assumed was an earthquake. One of the party was missing soon after and everyone in out party could honestly not account for maybe 10 - 15 minutes of time. We all had a similar strange feeling that to this day I really cannot describe. Typical abduction scenario eh?

LMBO! Oh dear I bet teddy's eyes popped out! I am really sorry about that as she has some pretty uh...adult material. I actually didn't even know of her until a few months ago when I saw a documentary on her band on either Sundance or IFC and I loved the hair which looks like this:

So, this is what i really wanted just a longer version. Things did not go as planned - at all. Instead I look like that girl from that tv show The OC :

Even the haircolor! Oh well at least I look like I fit in here now :P Yes, it is quite a bit longer than hers. I guess i got about 1/3 of it chopped off.

I'm really sorry you never heard back from her rack. If she comes to class on Friday then I will ask her about it.

The L Word is a new show on American cable tv - I guess it's being labeled something like "Sex In The City for lesbians." Other than that I couldn't tell you anything. I wouldn't be interested in SitC so I seriously doubt I'd like this much either.

Some things will never ever happen..

*tarasapprentice tries to run away as the wooden fish flies back accross the room*

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