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Subject: Holy humidity batman!

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Date Posted: Thu, Jun 10 2004, 1:39:14 pm PDT

Ah, a typical brit. No conversation other than the weather!

*waves* and {{hugs}} to all and Sundry (I saw him the other day, he's lookin' fiiiiiine).

Uselessly scrolled as ever so here goes;

Have watched two episodes of Joan of Arcadia and enjoyed it but....dastardly Sky One started showing Buffy from episode one, season one directly opposite Joan. I thought..."I really want to watch Joan but I'll just check in with Buffy for 5 mins as JofA starts at 6.05pm - I'm hopelessly hooked on Buffy all over again - I can't turn over, I NEED my BufWilXanGilAngCor fix. Of course it doesn't hurt that Angel is in the first episodes looking all young and angsty and immortal and impossibly sexy.I did say it was hot in here, didn't I? (fans self with well thumbed copy of The Watchers Guide)

Re: Ronald Reagan. I feel quite sad at his passing - not least because he was President for all of my teenage years and is mixed in with all the high school nostalgia. I seem to remember going to "Mile Square Park" to see him, Glenn Ford and John Wayne when he was on the campaign trail before his first presidential election. Not sure about putting him on Rushmore though.

UFO's: I'm a believer (copyright The Monkees c.1970's) but have not had any experiences myself, however when we lived in Calif. we had an outdoor jacuzzi and my parents used to sit out there at night and amazingly enough, the number of UFO's they spotted increased in direct correlation with the number of glasses wine they drank.

tarasapp I too had never heard of Gina Gershon and googled for pictures which gave me a few moments to ponder the gravity defying marvel that is she! I do like the OC girls hair so if thats what it looks like - yay for you!

Life is eventful as ever here in the lair - my identical twin girlcublets made me laugh today because they couldn't tell who was who in a photo of them together in the newspaper. They get so cross when teachers and family and friends don't know! Of course - I knew! (said in smug motherly fashion). Boy cublet asked me how old he has to be before he can watch Buffy - I told him not till his age ends in "teen". I know I'll give in before then but at least it gets him off my back for a while.

UK's Sky TV are asking people to vote on their favorite episode of Angel, with this in mind - would anyone care to give theirs?

Mine would have to be "I will remember you" for all the obvious reasons but I also love the one (sorry too lazy to go and look it up) when the aging movie star gives him drugs and turns him in to Angelus. I do love the boy when he's bad.

Okay - end of ramble. Special love to Teddy. Lionhunter out.

After a long absence while investigating the seamy and steamy urban jungle, the panther pads back in to the Magic Box. Casting a toothy smirk in the direction of half the goat, he winds his way behind the bar and starts drinking the beer slops out of the drip trays - he's been a bad bad panther.

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