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Subject: The wait is over…….

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Date Posted: Fri, Jul 09 2004, 1:30:22 pm PDT

The few weeks of relative peace and calm that the Magic Box has enjoyed over the past few weeks comes to a crashing end as a deafening roar and the sight of the fabric of time and space bring torn asunder revealing the dark, inky blackness of a portal. The blackness, almost as black as the heart of the visitor it brings, caries with it a sense of foreboding and dread. Fear and panic hold hands as they run through the Magic Box, for they know who is coming…yes the warlock is back

As tomorrow, in fact the entire week end, has become another “Charmed” weekend on Livingtv, Teddy is getting prepared by stocking up with even more cookies and strawberry milkshake. I don’t know what the little furball sees in it myself. A show a bout witches..where’s the interest in that?

Speaking of magical stuff, whilst half the world was out watching some flick about a midget of a wi*ard, I managed to get my hands on a film called “Young Warlocks”. This was about a warlock a some sort of expensive boarding school in America. Was it any good I hear you ask…you are asking, right? Well, no it sucked beyond the telling of it. It must be one of the worst films it has been my misfortune to see. Still, there were some points in the film that will make me tread a little more wearily. I never really got on with the teachers at school and Luc the warlock’s opposite in the film was a teacher. Scary.

Almond : I’m sorry to hear about the sad loss of your beloved cat Butterscotch. It’s impossible to estimate the tremendous value that pets bring to the family and as you say they become members of the family themselves. I still miss Charlie my beloved chinchilla, who helped me through some difficult time. I have cherished memories of him that will stay with me forever and because of that in a sort of way he is still with me.

Gothic : Yay you not letting recent events get the better of you and for getting on with your life. From what I read it looks like you going to be becoming Aunty Gothic…does a future writing an agony column beckon I wonder?

Caring Goddess Flameiness (A.K.A. fire) : Willow (horsie Willow that is) is lucky to have someone who actually cares about her to help look after her. I hope that one day you’ve in a position to have a hose of your own that no one can take away from you. I would have thought that clean drinking water was essential to any animal and I surprised at your sister’s offhand matter to it. I hope things workout for both you and Willow.

The warlock notices that the thoughtful imp has kindly left a picture of her most gorgeousness (has she got a Xander style twitch with her eye?). As a means of thanking the little one he looks for some token to repay it with. Undoubtedly, the imp won’t like strawberries and would prefer some cheese. Cheese is a currency that the warlock doesn’t deal in. Luckily, he spots a mousetrap in the far corner of the Magic Box. Having scuttled over to the ‘trap he pokes a pen into the small (only slightly nibbled) block of cheese and frees it from the apparatus before it snaps shut. He then leaves it on a little saucer (the non-flying variety) on the counter next to the till and returns to his lair

Okay people…it’s Friday and I know how much you’ve missed this…Rack’s track of the week Due to the recent death of one of Mr. Warlock’s favourite actors this week it’s …..Luck be a Lady by Marlon Brando

As you may know I’m not the biggest fan of musicals. In fact until recently the only musical that I had purposefully watched all the way through was “Guys and Dolls” and the only reason for that was because Marlon Brando was in it. That’s the reason and not because I heard Jean Simmons was in it and mistook this to be Gene Simmons (bass player with Kiss). Despite the fact that Lady Luck and myself appear to have parted company some years ago, I still hate losing and love that trampling all over everyone else feeling that winning brings. Brando’s character, Sky Masterson, appears to embody this philosophy – although I’m pretty sure that I could beat him. It’s not exactly Brando’s best film, I still think of “On the waterfront” as his best, with others like “Streetcar named desire” and “The Men” close behind, but hay, a film with Brando in…what more could you want?

Just a quick visit today I’m afraid.. so waves and hugs to all!!!

Take care everyone!!!

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