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Subject: A restless silence

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Date Posted: Tue, Jul 13 2004, 3:39:53 am PDT

Gothic: Well, I don’t know if you would call it a step backwards…so long as you’ve happy that’s the main thing. Ray was probably just glad that it wasn’t a strawberry milkshake that you threw over him and considers him self lucky.
D’you know I actually applied for a vacancy working on an agony column. But it turns out that you’ve not supposed to offer advice on how to cause agony, pain and suffering. I think “agony column” is a bit of a misnomer and could easily confuse a poor warlock.

I’ll put some comments on the Joa finale in spoiler font incase anyone hasn’t seen it yet ..quick teddy activate the invisi-scrawl device **

“Silence” reminded me a little of BtVS’s season six episode “Normal Again” in the way that the main character was “infected” and their altered stated questioned the reality of what was happening in their real world and created an explanation that it was attributable to a form of “mental illness”. In Buffy’s case the demon’s poison caused her to imagine that she was in a mental asylum and that what we had been watching was the result of her insanity. For Joan, Lyme disease can in extreme cases cause personality changes and mental disorders. It is this that gives Joan a perhaps more rational explanation to the appearances of God. Other parts of “Silence”, namely Helen’s dream at the beginning, maybe likened to BtVS disappointing season four finale “Restless” ( Rack ducks as a few wooden fish wiz by) but I believe that they were to reaffirm that what Joan had experienced was in fact real. I think that by appearing in Helen’s dream as “cute boy” God and having the gun shot Mother appear to Will after she had passed away God was handing Joan a means of confirming her faith that what she had thought was real was in fact real. After all for Helen to see God in the same guise as he first appeared to Joan would be stretching coincidence a little. I guess it may have appeared a little surreal but in my opinion was far better than “Restless” as a season finale. There were some dodgy JoA episodes that I didn’t quite get the purpose of, especially the one where Joan sprains her ankle cause she has her foot in the washing machine – Joan isn’t stupid and wouldn’t do something that daft. **
end of “Silence” comments

I caught the season two (I think) opener of a series called Everwood, which is from the creators of the fantastically brilliant (well at least Apprentice to tarasApprentice and myself liked it) Dawson’s creek. However, I found this far too sacchariney (like sugary but far worse) for my liking. Still I’ve only seen one episode and shouldn’t judge too early Anyone here watch/like it?

Okay…have to dash teddy’s still recovering from his weekend Charmed-a-thon. I’ve always told him witches are to be avoided.

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