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Date Posted: Wed, Jul 14 2004, 9:25:49 am PDT
The front door swings open, allowing a flood of brilliant sunlight to invade the Magic Box. There's a sudden scurrying as various unnamed creatures run for cover. Are they fleeing from the evil-destroying light, or the figure that follows it through the door? She drops a box of jelly doughnaughts (variety of fillings - some strawberry, of course *s*) on the counter, which may lure some of them back out of the shadows. As she plops into her favorite chair, a stick-thin, ash-grey hand reaches slowly for the lid...
When I posted last, I thought I'd be back a lot sooner. You know the old saying, though..."the best laid plans of Bryce and Ben"...btw, who are those guys, and why are they filling my schedule with their plans? *g*
Actually, the holidays and out-of-town company distracted me. My Dad's brother and his son came up from North Carolina. They couldn't stay very long, because my uncle runs his own business and things were Falling Apart back home, but it was really nice to see them. It made Dad very happy.
Speaking of Dad, he moved into a nursing home yesterday. It's not the one he was waiting to get into, unfortunately. This is a nice place, but they put men three to a room there, which is why we weren't considering it. It became urgent to find him a temporary place, however. He's still planning on moving to the place he wanted when they have an opening. I hope that's soon.
I got an interesting phone call the other day. Someone from Nielsen called to ask me about my family's tv viewing habits. I told them we liked sci-fi and shows that were off-beat. I said we really loved "Angel" and "Wonderfalls", until the networks irrationally cancelled them. They said they might be getting in touch with me again in the future. Why couldn't they have called a few months ago when it might have done some good? I think the phone call was the universe having a joke at my expense! *g*
Dogtrot: I'm more excited about seeing the "Wonderfalls" episodes we missed than I am about the animated "Buffy" series. I'm not a big fan of animation, unless it's a movie. Series just don't seem to hold my attention like real live actors do. Do you remember a cartoon series called "Gargoyles" that was on a few (quite a few *g*) years back? I really liked that, but I could never seem to get into the habit of watching it regularly. Maybe because it was on in the afternoon, which is a busy time of day. Do you happen to know when they plan on airing "Buffy" when they bring it out?
My hubby's eldest son was visiting a couple of weeks ago, and just for fun we watched the tape of the "Wonderfalls" episode with the pink flamingoes. (It's the only one I hadn't taped over - now I wish I'd kept them all!) When it was over he started shouting, "This is great! I'd watch this! What happened to this?" See, they should have given the show more time for word-of-mouth to spread. He'd never even heard of it until we got on the subject for some reason that day and showed him the tape. Everyone I told about the show who had a chance to watch it loved it. (Except girl-child. She thought it was "strange". *g*)
Fire: I'm glad to see you're still watching out for Willow, even if your sister did take her back. You may want to think twice before you disrupt a potential sale, though. If your sister doesn't take care of her horses, they'd be better off in a good home.
I hope you'll be able to save your money and buy a horse that is indisputably yours. Is that a possibility? Or are you more interested in saving for a car? *g*
The fund I once mentioned that hubby and I had started for girl-child's future wheels has since disappeared, btw. We spent so much trying to save Butterscotch that we had to dip into it to pay bills. Animals are expensive, aren't they?
Gothic: I was going to say I was glad to see you were happily moving on with your life, but then I saw you moved on to Ray! *g* Hey, whatever works for you - that's the important thing. I can just see that advice column now, though:
Auntie Gothic's Advice for the Lovelorn
Dear Girls,
Are you having trouble catching that Certain Someone's eye? Some might suggest a new hairdo or frock, but I've found that throwing a drink at the man of your dreams will achieve the same results at a fraction of the cost. For a real attention-getter, try something that stains. He'll never forget you!
Rack: Thank you for your kind words - I can see that you understand how much I miss the little guy. I'll always be grateful for the time we spent together.
I gathered all the photos I could find with him in them and made an album. When I start feeling lonely I look through the pages and smile at some of the silly things he used to do. My daughter recently developed a roll of film that had a picture of him sitting at the bottom of the trash can looking up at the camera. I think it was taken during one of his many chicken-bone-hunting-trips. *s*
I watch "Everwood", too. It gets a little syrupy at times, but then the storyline veers away from becoming too Waltonesque and back to being an interesting study of human relationships. I particularly like the dynamic between the father/son and the father/other doctor. (cc Dogtrot)
I'm also a big fan of JoA! *s*
Whoops, got to run. Girl-child needs the phone. I may be around later, though. She's going to spend the day with older-daughter (who's not speaking to me at the moment - long story), so I'll have some free time on my hands. {{Hugs}} to all!
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