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Subject: A quick post about JoA

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Date Posted: Fri, Jul 16 2004, 9:31:10 am PDT

As this is just a thing I wrote awhile ago after veiwing the finale I will spoiler font it incase someone has not yet seen it
* Now that the majority of us have seen the Season one finale and had a chance to reflect and comment on it I thought it would be good to start a thread to discuss the second season and predictions and any speculatory goodness to boot.

It is a little difficult for me to do too much speculation because I have never seen a Barbara Hall show before, so I do not know how she writes or plans story arcs. Maybe she is the sort of writer who, like JoA's God, is all about the hints, or maybe things are just put in a single episode and we are asked to never look back. I guess In season 2 I will find out.

There's some loose ends I have been wondering about that I hope were not simply plot devices or "throw - aways." The biggest one is when God allows Joan to see some of "the Big Picture" - it would be a waste to ignore that this has happend - Joan saw something and passed out in the church. This has to come up again at a later time I think.

Glynnis, is another loose end. Was she just a plot device? I sure hope not. What will happen to the angry butterfly? The writers really need to delve into such a big change in a character - if they don't it will be a disservice to us and the character and the themes explored in the vanity episode.

As for the earlier discussion in the Silence thread regarding the Devil, it is natural for it to be brought up by Joan. I hope it is not verified by any means though, as I tend to agree with meremirror's pov. If anything was representative of the Devil in the show, it was those clowns

Another huge question mark for me was exactly how did everyone know about "the hotel room" ???

Regarding the lyme disease - I think some things will be a result of it yes, i.e: Price's eyes going all reptilian and i think the mascot God was not really God. BUT, if it was just what does this mean: "My name is I am, not I was." Like I said before I am not familiar with how Barbara Hall works so maybe that line was simply thrown in there to add to the freaky factor - I hope not. I still think the Price thing is a red herring. At some point it will be revealed that he is misunderstood and our empathy will be evoked (or should that be invoked?)

I think we all know that God is real. If not then we kind of don't have a show anymore right? Proof to point - God as CBG in Helen's dream and the closing scene with God touching Joan's forehead.

As for why did Joan see most of the manifestations of God all at once? He told her "you see me as you want to see me" - she wanted to see Him, needed to so much and with such an intensity - she really wanted to see all of them making all the various manifestations present.

As for Luke and Grace? I'm not even gonna speculate. I already stated my feelings about it in the Silence thread.

I think the theme for Joan in the first half of the season will be "desolation" - she will refuse to believe any of the prior manifestations of God are actually God and will blame it all on the tick. She will not do what God asks of her this time around and it may go okay at first, reinforcing her stance that she is NOT talking to God, until something big happens and then an epiphany will ensue. At this point we will probably all cry.

I think the theme will be the same for Adam and Joan's relationship. They will have lost faith in one another. Adam is no longer confident he even knows who Joan is and I bet Joan will also loose faith in herself. In the end I am sure it will turn out fine but it will be a rough road for them presently.

For Will and Helen on the other side I think all of this will give Helen her period of "consolation" and for non believer Will the door has now been opened.

I also wonder if anything will be done about Adam saying he gets visons sometimes when he does his art...

Also, the show is nominated for an emmy and Amber Tamblyn is nom for best actress.

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