Subject: Good morning, all. |
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Date Posted: Mon, Jul 26 2004, 6:33:54 am PDT
I scrolled a little to catch up, but can't really think of anything to say. I haven't seen the second "Spiderman" movie. As for "Joan of Arcadia", those episodes aired awhile ago here and most of the details have slipped from my head. I'm glad to see Mazzy is feeling better and stopped by to visit. *s*
I got a new LJ. You're welcome to stop by. It might be a little confusing in future, as some of the posts will be "friends only" for various reasons (I'll add you if you get one, though), and I've recently "me only locked" some of those - sharing too much information, as usual. It's here.
Rack and dogtrot: No, all is not well, but I can't go into it here. It doesn't matter, because talking about it won't change anything now. Thanks for asking, though.
Rack: No, I don't plan on seeing "I, Robot" until it comes out on dvd. My younger daughter and a friend saw it this weekend and liked it. The friend is a sci-fi/technology fan, and said it was well done, and my daughter said the story was good. I've also heard good things about it at the Baen board, so maybe it won't be too disappointing. *s*
Let me know what you think if you go to see it.
dogtrot: Guess what? We may be getting the "Firefly" dvd set! Dad decided each of his kids should get some money before the nursing home eats it all up, so he had my brother write us a check.
Speaking of the nursing home - good news. They're trying to put him in a semi-private room, in which case he won't have to move. He needs to be able to settle in and get used to things without disruption, so I really hope it happens soon (he's at the top of the list, according to my brother). *fingers crossed*
Not much else to say, and I've got a lot to do this morning, so I have to fly. {{Hugs}} to all!
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