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Subject: tarasapprentice's Comic Con Report (it's low carb)

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Date Posted: Mon, Jul 26 2004, 7:26:50 pm PDT

This will probably be be all fragmenty and rambly but what can you expect the day after con madness?

Ok, I get the the con nice and early (I learned my lesson) and first thing to do was - find Amber! Saw Diane (her mom) at the Inkworks booth and said hi and was told Amber would be there in a few, which she was (heartbeat increasing..). Lovely as always but I gotta say holy canoli - that girl has lost SO much weight :( . Made me sad...I didn't wanna bother her as she was not officially "working" yet so I just stood around all stalkery,stealing glances. I was amazed that I was the only one waiting on her...
Amber goes (noooo!) and I turn around and who walks right by me? Joss. apprentice asked me if he looked like he slept in his clothes and I said no you'd be really happy as his outfit was all matchy and hair had gel in it and the clothing was ironed :) Some people asked him for autographs and I, again didn't wanna bug him but was mad at myself for not. I wandered around for a little bit but then it was time to head upstairs for the Dead Like Me panel - I won't talk about it here as I don't think any of you watch it - if you like Wonderfalls and really who couldn't like it? Then watch Dead Like Me as its from the same creator - Bryan Fuller .
I met up with some friends, all fellow Wonderfalls fans including the amazing Amy, the girl behind the curtain of Savewonderfalls.com who had been so kind to invite me to a thing on Friday night where she brought along two unaired episodes for us to watch (I only stayed long enough to see one though).
I went back down to see if I could catch Amber again but the line was so long I knew I'd never make it (insert a teary eyed face here) so I ran back up to where the Serenity panel was. Joss came out and the thousands of folks in the room went crazy - the guy had a standing ovation for what seemed to go on and on...you could tell he was really touched by it and jokingly told us "And I thought you'd forgotten me", followed by "I brought something to show you" - crowd goes wild. So, I was lucky enough to be among the first to see a little trailer for Serenity they had put together just for us folks at the con. It looks great everyone, I cannot wait to see it with my fellow browncoats. After the trailer showed Joss told us that he brought another 9 somethings he wanted to show us and of course, the entire Firefly/serenity cast was there. I have to say Nathon Fillion is hysterical - the guy has a truly great sense of humor. People asked plenty of questions here's what I can remember (sorry, this is the first year i didn't take notes!), Angel is over. The rumors about those buffyverse character-centric movies with the WB are not gonna happen anytime soon if ever. He hopes something will be done in the future in the world of the Buffyverse but really there's nothing at all in the works in the near future. They are already in talks with dark Horse to bring Firefly/Serenity into comic book form. We were also told that Gunn died for sure - but at the very end he said well...maybe he could come back. Joss asked the cast to go one by one and tell us what's the one thing they like most about their character (if you guys really wanna know I can tell you one by one), and also to tell us what they hate most about Jewel (poor girl!). Cast also talked about future plans or projects. Joss showed us the trailer again and then it was time for the Wonderfalls screening and panel.

I was really really lucky to be invited to sit in the VIP section with the people from the show. Beth Grant who did a guest role in the show and from Donnie Darko and Angel was a total sweetheart and told us all kinds of things about DD, as was Scotch Ellis Loring who played Dr.Ron on the show (you know the doc with the monkey?). He intoduced us around and was genuinely happy to talk to people who knew so much about the show and appreciated it so much. Tim Minear is always putting himself down but we love him anyway and Todd Holland loved my necklace and told me I looked like Arwen lol . They showed two amazing episodes and a great time was had by all.
My phone buzzed and I answered thinking it was my apprentice but it was family downstairs yelling at me saying "Where are youuuuuu???!!! Run! Run fast! We are two people in line away from seeing Amber !" So I ran...fast...for like 15 minutes! But I made it...I gotta go make dinner now so I will continue tomorrow.
If you have any questions in the meantime - ask me!

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