Subject: It's good...It's Friday...It's Good Friday!!!!! |
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Date Posted: Fri, Apr 09 2004, 11:47:01 am PDT
It’s Good Friday and the Magic Box’s warlock has the day off from work. A good time for a little spring cleaning he thinks to himself. Upon arriving at the Magic Box, accompanied by his trusty (trusty? Surely some mistake there) familiar, he heads towards his usual haunt. Behind him the little legs of his teddy bear familiar struggle to keep up, but finally they both arrive in the darkness under the stairs.
The warlock runs a finger over the top of the mini fridge and shakes his head in disgust at the amount of dust that is deposited upon it. He turns his head and looks down at the little teddy bear at his feet and gives him a “we’ll have to do something about this” look, before he stoops down and grabs the teddy by the throat. He then begins to rub the poor unfortunate teddy up and down the surface of the mini fridge, as one would a duster, the bear’s arms and legs flaying in protestation. Have completed his task and the fridge is looking less dusty the warlock discards the teddy over his shoulder where he lands in an undignified heap in one corner. *
Well things are looking a bit more cleaner here ‘neath the stairs. Cleanliness is next to evilness I always say.
Corsa: Thanks very much for those helpful tips. I was hoping to take in a show whilst I was there. Not too sure about the Empire State building thing though…I don’t like heights…well to be honest it’s not so much the height it’s falling from them that I don’t like. And you can get run over going to the place..I’ve seen “An affair to remember”. I take it it was an ice hockey match that you went to, I’m more into American football than hockey, unless it’s anything like the film “slap shot”. I’m in NY from October 23rd until the 28th then I’m off to Long Beach for nine days. Which reminds me, do you know of a site where I can book a flight from NY to LA. I’d like to have it all arranged before I go so that that I don’t have any problems when I get there. Haven’t you been to New York twice this year already? Boy, you must really ♥ NY!
Almond: Sorry I didn’t realise that the JP you were referring to was Jason Priestly. I thought that there was someone called JP who was a character in the episode. There is something a bit odd about Jack. I have a suspicion that he may have known someone who could do what Tru does, perhaps his sister. Either that or he’s some kind of anti-Tru and perhaps he assisted his sister in dying. But he does grate on the nerves a bit. I don’t like the reporter Michelle and I half expected Tru to say to her “Don’t make me angry Michelle. You won’t like me when I’m angry”. Have you noticed the titles for the more recent episodes – they must have a film buff who comes up with them. They’ve even got one called “rear window”, still Hitchcock, you can’t beat him.
LdyKnight: Nice to see you again – hope that college really goes well for you. What is it you’ve majoring in (that’s what you Americans call it isn’t it) and which college are you gracing with your presence?
Okay…now here’s the part that you’ve all been waiting for…..Rack’s track of the week
As there tenth anniversary of the death of Kurt Cobain was fairly recently, this week’s offering is..
Come As You Are by Nirvana
This may seem a strange choice seeing how I’m not really a fan of the band, but this is one of their tracks that isn’t too bad. I like the contradiction in the lyrics “Come as you are, as you were,
As I want you to be. As a friend, as a friend, as an old enemy. Take your time, hurry up. The choice is your, don't be late”, well you get the idea. It’s also strange hearing Kurt sing “And I swear that I don't have a gun. No I don't have a gun” in view of how he tragicly decided to end it all at the all to young an age of 27. Nirvana, well I only hope that he found it.
Teddy!! look at you. You’re absolutely filthy!! Com’on, you’d better hop into the washing machine when we get back. Honestly, I just don’t know how you get into such a state.
Take care all!!!
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