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Subject: Just a quick flyby...

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Date Posted: Mon, Apr 12 2004, 6:14:39 am PDT

Oh quizzes, I like quizzes…but I can’t find the answer to question 3 anywhere ~ oh hum…

1. What's your favourite word? Faith. It means trust or belief (something like that), but it means so much more to me.

2. What's your least favourite word? Bill. It means gives us some of your money.

3. What turns you on? I have this little switch on my back. No just kidding. Erm..sorry I don’t know the answer to this one.

4. What turns you off? The opposite to question 3.

5. What's your favourite curse word? Curses..I know plenty of those. Oh sorry, you mean swearing. I don’t really have a favourite.

6. What sound do you love? I’ll half steal tarasApp’s answer and say Fith’s voice.

7. What sound do you hate? My alarm clock when it goes off in the morning.

8. What other profession would you like to attempt? Rock star…I always wanted to be a rock star. Like tarasApp, I too used to have a fancy to be a barrister. I can just see me in a wig and gown “M’lud, you must let the defendant go free, as at the time of the offence he had his fingers crossed.” Perry Mason has nothing on me.

9. What other profession would not like to attempt? Pretty much anything that carries responsibility – or a sewage worker.

10. If heaven exists what do you want God to say to you? I’d imagine he’d say something like “Erm..Sorry, but you’re in the wrong place”.

Hope everyone had a happy easter/cheese fondue day.

Teddy….spring cleaning doesn’t mean empting the cupboards of cookies…and certainly not be eating them all. Wonder If I can send him to the WB offices instead of a beanie toy?

Take care all!!

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