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Subject: Thank you Rack for the Easter card

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Date Posted: Mon, Apr 12 2004, 7:01:05 pm PDT

Yes. It has been a long time since I have posted in here. I also go by DSOAA.

Huge hugs and kisses to tarasApprentice, my all time favorite virtual friend in the universe. I will never forget our wonderful e-mail exchanges in which I learned how interesting her life is. We should make a movie about it. ^^Hmmm. What a wonderful idea!!!^^

Rack sent me an Easter card. So, I am thanking him here in this forum.

What else. A couple of you know that I like to write screenplays. I have been working on a script that is based on my life as it has occured since last April. The cool part is that I don't have to think of new ideas for the script. They actually occur on a week by week basis. Some of the twists and turns in the story are just freaky and wild. There is so much in there that it rough deciding what will go and what will stay. Maybe it should be an HBO series, like the Sopranos or Six Feet Under, so that I can fit it all in.

I will be lurking to see what has been going on.

Oh, and TaraApprentice. I missed some Ghosts of Albion shows. I will have to ketchup on them.

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