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Subject: My bizzare quiz answers.

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Date Posted: Tue, Apr 13 2004, 5:00:40 am PDT

But before I answer the quiz, I have to comment on the Nick and Jessica Simpson variety show that premiered last week in the USA. I ABSOLUTELY LOVE IT!!!! Just 1 month ago, I was telling someone that I missed the days where they had funny and corny variety shows with my favorite guest stars. (Donny and Marie, Sonny and Cher, Caroll Burnett.) I thought that Nick and Jessica were hilarious and it takes a lot of guts for two young people to do something that is so different in today's atmosphere of 'reality' shows. Plus, it doesn't hurt that Jessica is more beautiful than any Victoria Secrets model that I have ever seen. Nick ain't bad either.

The only down side to the show is that Jessica makes singing look ugly and painful. Homegirl is up there shaking her hands all over the place and making bizarre, mutant singing faces. She needs a little bit of grace.

Oh, and I love Tru Calling.

Now, on to the quiz.

1. What's your favourite word? No one word is my favorite. However, the sentence "Kiss be, baby." is pretty nice.

2. What's your least favourite word? Again, no word is my least favorite. However, right now I hate to hear that stupid sentence used by corporate booty hole vampires. "I like to hit the ground running." I also hate the phrase "weapons of mass destruction."

3. What turns you on? #1 A woman who knows how to dance seductively. #2 A woman who likes to be kissed passionately against walls and in small booths. (Well. You asked!)

4. What turns you off? A woman who brings a spoonful of negativity into almost everything that they talk about.

5. What's your favourite curse word? I used to become amused when Starbuck said, "Frak!!" in Battlestar Galactica.

6. What sound do you love? The piano. I love piano. I love the sound of Fall with it's sound wind and falling leaves. I love to hear thunderstorms.

7. What sound do you hate? The sound of a dentists drill.

8. What other profession would you like to attempt? An opera singer, a TV show producer or a star in those 'other' kind of movies. (HE HE)

9. What other profession would not like to attempt? Lawyer, politician or National Public Radio commentator.

10. If heaven exists what do you want God to say to you? "The nude rollerskating rink that plays nothing but disco music is over that way. Farah Fawcett will be your DJ." (HE HE)

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