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Subject: bleh

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Date Posted: Wed, Apr 21 2004, 6:21:12 am PDT

hullo peeps

yes, DSOAA - i did poke out my tongue at you, and you well deserved it! i still havent forgiven you for being a meanie, that really upset me, you know.

i am ok, not brilliant, but not having a nervous breakdown...yet!

Wednesday Adams - we must be on the same time scale - when you posted that, i had just watched all the same episodes, which makes sense for angel and tru calling as they're both new, (in england anyway) but why did we both decide to watch hush recently, which is quite an old one? spooky! then again, it is one of my favourite buffy's ever.

about tru calling - the running annoys me too, especially now it's been mentioned on here! i've seen the first two and it's not bad, but i get the feeling it might become a bit repetitive if the same thing happens every week. plus, it doesn't surprise me at all, i could have written those two eppys!

i have been off work for the last 3 days - have a fluey thing, yuk!


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