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Subject: Here to answer questions...

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Date Posted: Tue, Apr 27 2004, 9:36:23 pm PDT

And avoid going to bed...

Emily Boo Hi there! Don't think we've officially met *shakes hands*

About Origin...The way I understand it is this...Connor DID remember. Vale (the demon guy who wanted Connor to kill Sanjhan) had created all of Connor's new memories and basically his new life. He threatened Angel by saying if he didn't get Connor to fight Sahjhan than, he would release the contents of that gold box. The deal with that gold box was not so much that it was restore EVERYONE'S memories but those who are in the nearby vicinity. It was kind of like a truth spell so that those near it (when it was opened) would see the true memories (while retaining the old), so everyone that was in the room when the box was smashed (Connor, Angel, Wes, Illyria) would learn the truth.

Sanjhan featured prominiently in Angel season 3. The main nemesis of this season was Hotlz, a vampire hunter. Eons ago, Angel and Darla killed Holtz family (including his little girl *snif*) Sanjhan made a deal with Holtz that he would bring him forward in time (current day) to kill Angel. Sanjhan also "created" the prophecy "The Father Will Kill the Son" which is the one that Wes discovered and is why Wes took baby Connor and brought him to Holtz. If you recall, Holtz jumped through a portal (created by Sanjhan) to another dimension and later on Connor returned in his current form (older and screwier).

Turns out that Sanjhan made up that prophecy to trick Wes into taking Connor from Angel. The REAL prophecy was that Connor would kill Sanjhan (as we saw in Origin). Seems like a lot of work for nothing.

Hope that explains it somewhat. It's a bit convuluted.

Connor figured it out. The last few lines when he was saying that he wanted to go back to his quiet life led to this knowing comment directed right at Angel "That's what my FATHER told me". There was silent acknowledgment between them that Connor knew, but he was gonna go back to his other life, where he was needed (and frankly happier) and it makes sense 'cause that was the point of Angel's sacrifice. If Connor then decided to join with him, it would've made it all worthless.

It was really nice, I liked it and it almost made me sob *snif*
<--origin spoilers

So, guess what??
James Marster shaved his head on Ryan Seacrest. Wanna see screen caps?

James on Ryan Seacrest

Also, Seth Green will be on Sesame Street AND That 70's Show tomorrow (Aug 28th). Now tell me he's NOT versatile!

I know I stil have some other responses to get to. I will next time. I PROMISE!

Hope you're all doing well!


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