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Subject: Return of the cookie muncher

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Date Posted: Tue, May 04 2004, 3:04:46 pm PDT

Rack’s had his hair cut and he’s too shy to be seen at the moment so I’m filling in for him.

Right first off a cookie {munch!}, then some catching up on Angel.

Underneath (written in that font that you can’t read unless you highlight it)

Not a lot seemed to happen in this episode. Some nice comic touches though, Spike must have similar television tastes to our resident warlock, namely poor. Angel’s obviously not a fan of Knight Rider. A comment that Illyria made had Rack thinking, nice to know that something does. If there’s a world full of shrimp, is there one full of strawberries? Still, nice to see an old BtvS reference crossover into Angel. Hamilton seemed to be doing more than a passable impression of the Terminator and even the bit at the end where we see Spike having the bullets retrieved from his back seemed a strange homage to T2. It’s always good to see Lindsey, but after all angel and Spike went through to get him back they didn’t find out much more than what most people had guessed, The senior partners are using Angels position as CEO to distract him from other, bigger things. But just what will that turn out to be?

Origin (also written in the same stuff as above)

Having created the character Illyria, I wonder if they’ve quite figured out just what to do with her. As a being just to being worshipped what’s to stop her usurping Angel as CEO of Wolfram and Hart just to have the sense of power once more. Rack’s campaign to get more warlocks on the screen seems to a paid off somewhat with another warlock on Angel. Cyvus Vail, a supposedly powerful warlock doesn’t seem to have the power to heal himself. Hard to say what ailment he was suffering from, strawberry withdrawal symptoms hopefully. Couldn’t figure out the purpose of this episode. Wes and Connor have regained their memories, but I can’t see the significance of this as yet. Would this knowledge tip an already unstable Wesley over the edge? Illyria’s dimension travelling abilities will no doubt come into play in rescuing Gunn (still have to see Time Bomb – so it could have happened already). Gunn appears to have learnt his lesson, which he demonstrates by turning down Hamilton’s offer which would free himself from the Hell dimension.
Not many episodes left to introduce an apocalypse and advert it so I expect things will hot up soon.

Hay what’s that Charmed confusing? It’s simple, there are three witches and they kill warlocks. Besides, even if you can’t understand it you can always just sit and stare at Rose McGowan and Alyssa Milano – not that I ever do that.

Must go now..

Remember the Teddy Bear loves you.


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