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Subject: Random thoughts, questions, and responses.

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Date Posted: Fri, Mar 19 2004, 5:19:18 pm PST

Has anyone seen the film "Death to Smoochy"? We got it from the library last week, and I'm wondering if it's worth making a heroic effort to watch before it's due tomorrow.

Speaking of "watching things" - I rewatched "Wonderfalls" last night. (My third viewing, no less.) * I was wrong about one thing - the little critters do have unique personalities that complement the type of object speaking. It will be fun to see if this continues.
I also like Jaye's friend and her easy acceptance of the strange and unusual.
One thing continues to bother me each time I watch, however. Jaye's references to "SUVs" and "doing Drew Barrymoore" made me feel the writers were using her sister's life choice as nothing but a device for cheap jokes. I hope the character (who I like) is allowed to develop into a real person and does not become some sort of stereotype. I know this is a comedy, but the recent political furor over gay rights can't help but make me fear that such an offbeat show may hesitate to alienate viewers by an open show of support for something that has so many people up in arms.
* I'm really looking forward to tonight's episode.

If something doesn't change at my Dad's house soon, I may have to quit going over there. Yesterday I had an overwhelming urge to smack my youngest brother upside the head with no warning. Though the only way I could quit going over would be if we moved to another state, and that doesn't seem likely.

I don't have a Track of the Week, so since I kind of miss Quoteable Tuesday how about this instead:

Dogtrot: You lost me at "fundus". *s*
I've been enjoying your alphabetical submissions at the Beta. You're a poet and no one knowed it!

Rack: I hope you're liking what you've read so far. I wonder if I should have recommended that you start with the first book in the series. (I think I mentioned once that two books dealing with Miles' parent's history came before "WA".) While "WA" has humor and action, "Shards of Honor" is gritter and tackles some deeper moral questions. You may have preferred it.
"Mozart Unplugged"? Cool! You know, you've made me curious enough with various mentions of Lawnmower Deth that I tried to find one of their CDs at our library one day. Funnily enough, I couldn't. I live in a backwater town. *g*

Lionhunter: I tried to make a scrolling birthday banner for you last night, but the universe wasn't cooperating with me. *s* I'm sorry you had to work so hard on your birthday. I hope you had fun with the family!

*grabs a slice of the rapidly disappearing nummy cake and wanders out the door*

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