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Subject: I noticed...

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Date Posted: Wed, Mar 24 2004, 9:35:57 am PST

...that our favorite Warlock quoted Alice *s*

almond I am thrilled to hear that "Serenity" has been green lighted. Thanks for the info!
I can't believe about them showing Wonderfalls epis out of order - doesn't anyone over there have any common sense?? I am now officially irked. Still love the show - I watched the episode twice and liked it better the second time around. Don't even get me started on the Gay marriage topic - frankly every argument I have seen from the "boys and girls club" are illogical and inhuman.

gothicwoman by the time this is posted you have probably already gotten you hair done. What color did you do? I'd suggest blue or hot pink myself but would that be okay to do at your job? I really need to do something with my hair soon...

mazzy thanks so much for posting all the info on the campagin. I will definately be there on the 31st. I was thinking I should make a sign - does anyone have any slogan ideas? Please help!
I won't be going to see Scooby in the theatres but am looking forward to seeing it when it comes out on dvd - it's great to see Buffy people together! Any news on the exact release date for James Marsters' film?

emily and mazzy That book seems to have such a huge following, in my opinion this is just the thing to catapult Amber Tamblyn into that bonafide "star"/ household name status.

emily thanks for sharing you literary interests. Don't worry about the "young adult" titles - I read a great deal of them and I actaully sepnd more time in the kids section of the bookstore than any other. I just finished reading "The Amazing Maurice and His Educated Rodents" which was absolutely wonderful.

everyone I know mazzy already said it but for those of you who can don't forget, tonight is Wednesday - call in during Angel's regular timeslot in your area and let them know you had to watch something else instead!

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