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Date Posted: Sun, Mar 28 2004, 6:55:23 am PST
I'm a little...not real sure what word to use here. Maybe "unsettled". Yesterday I would have said "angry" - that vague, directionless anger that tends to lash out at the wrong people because it doesn't have a better target in reach.
Two of my daughter's male friends were beat up by a group of boys in the parking lot of a store just a few blocks from here on Friday night. They used bricks and baseball bats. One of the injured boys was flown to the Milwaukee trauma center and may not make it. This happened just because he was dating the ex-girlfriend of one of the boys in the group. The other one was hurt trying to stop them.
I feel so sorry for these two boys and their families, but more than that I'm frightened for my daughter. She and a friend had been there talking to them just moments before it happened. They were driving away when they got the phone call telling them what was going on, and arrived back in time to see the group running away. My daughter knew three of them from school and identified them to the police.
It frightens me that she could have been there but for chance - and knowing her she would have jumped in to help her friend. It frightens me that she goes to school with people who would do something like this - and knows them well enough to know their names. It frightens me that it happened at the store we buy our groceries from in our very neighborhood. But I guess what frightens me most is the fact that this group didn't think anything of doing this to another human being - just get mad and go straight for the baseball bat.
This kind of thing may be common to those of you who live in bigger cities. To me this is a world-shaking event. When I was a teenager, I never had to worry about being killed by a classmate. I could walk anywhere in this town at night without worrying about being jumped. Now I just want to lock my daughter in her room until she's 18 - or hire a bodyguard to follow her around. I despair of the world. We're supposed to be civilized - what the hell is happening to humanity?
If anyone's around, I wouldn't be adverse to hearing a friendly voice.
Dogtrot: Thank you for the link - it worked just fine. I almost allowed myself to be sucked into one of the thread discussions, but resisted just in time. (I'll bet you can guess which one if you think about it.)
I don't doubt the outlook is bleak for "Wonderfalls". I counted four religions skewered in Friday's episode. I thought it was hilarious.
I must have been wrong about the "out of order" comment, though. If you pay attention to the talking critters Jaye's collecting, you can see that each episode so far has followed the other in progression. (cc tarasApprentice)
tarasApprentice: Is that a permanent change in timeslot? It should help a lot! That makes me happier. I thought "Tru Calling" was great this week, btw. Best episode this season since the "do-over-and-over day", in fact.
So did you pick a slogan for your sign?
You aren't the only "cheesy" one. That was one "cheesy" Wonderfalls episode on Friday, wasn't it? *s*
Fire: I was just poking a little fun at girl-child, but we really have had conversations like that. None of the "Kyles" are romantic interests - just friends. She sure seems to know a lot of them, though. I come up with little "identifying tags" to tell them apart. So far we have Kyle-who-stopped-by-once, Kyle-who-works-at-the-grocery-store and Kyle-who-you-said-has-a-cute-butt. (That one really disturbs hubby. He doesn't admit she's old enough to be noticing things like that.)
Sneaky salad dressing! I forgot about that!
Gothic: Your "pillar box red" sounds a bit like our "Coke can red" that was very popular here a few years back. I did my hair something close to that color for awhile, but I had to give it up. I liked the color when I first put it on, but as you probably know red dye tends to fade. After a few washings my hair was mauve! Now I use a very nice "Willow red" that I'm very happy with.
Donkey=ass (as in mule). I was trying to be both clever and inoffensive at the same time. *s*
Rack: Thank you for the article link. I'm just as glad she won't be on if it meant rewriting the planned script. It's too bad they didn't know earlier, but that's life. I am glad to hear (spoiler for upcoming Ats) * that they plan on addressing the Angel/Buffy/Spike triangle. Do you suppose she's done baking? *s* *
I still want to discuss "Warrior's Apprentice" with you, though maybe I should do it in emails so as not to bore people who have no interest in the book. Oh! Remember that I mentioned I was looking for a collection of short stories that had one of Bujold's "Miles" stories in it? Guess what I bought yesterday? Almond does the "I'm so happy 'cause I've got a new book dance". I'm going to read it later today. *s*
Did you have a nice trip?
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