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Subject: New Saving Angel Campaign

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Date Posted: Mon, Mar 29 2004, 5:32:24 pm PST

From the people who brought you "Flowers for Levin", comes a new campaign that we hope will be just as successful with the help of all you "Angel" fans out there.
We knew you wanted another campaign, so we listened to all of your ideas, thoughts, and concerns; addressed our own issues, did lots of searching, e-mailing, and even placed phone calls to several places (including the WB Public Relations department), and have come up with the following....

April 7th, 2004
(Orders MUST be placed by March 31st)
B.B.'s for Ancier.
(b.b.'s = Beanie Babies)

This is our new target:
Mr. Garth Ancier, Chairman WB network
4000 Warner Blvd
Building 34R
Burbank, CA 91522

Why Garth Ancier?
We decided to set our sites on Mr. Ancier as he is higher up than Mr. Levin, but still within the television division of the WB network. If we go any higher on the chain, we felt there is the risk that they simply will be to far up to feel us yanking it.

Why Beanie Babies?
When ideas were being thrown about on the WB "Angel" board, several people mentioned stuffed bears. Beanie Babies simply evolved from there. They have a wide price range (many being under $10, a lot less than the flowers which was a concern), many types to choose from (angels, bats, Irish themes (in honor of Angel's heritage), even a "slayer" dragon.
We really wanted to do something that again, could be passed along for a good deed as well.


I already checked the folks running the campaign did plenty of legwork so don't worry - the stuff we send does NOT get thrown away, yes it DOES get to the person we're sending it to AND will, in the end probably be donated to a children's hospital, just like the flowers campaign. The WB reps said yes - they really are taking notice.

I found beanie on the list for only 3 dollars - c'mon - skip your starbucks and buy a beanie to save Angel!!

copy and paste the link and follow the directons: http://www.allbeanies.com/saveangel.html

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