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Subject: Dogtrot

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Date Posted: Mon, Mar 29 2004, 8:33:55 pm PST

It's not just TV and movies - it's the kind of video games so many of the younger people like to play. They make them more and more realistic, then slap a so-called "rating" on them and think that covers it. Listen to the lyrics of some rap music, too. Our society almost worships violence. And yet I don't think these things are entirely the cause of incidents like this. I think our society is going crazy. You watch the news and hear the most horrible things reported almost casually - just another news item sandwiched in between sports and weather. Talk about desensitized! I quit watching the evening news some time ago - it really turns my stomach. I don't believe in censorship, either. I think people are capable of censoring themselves. But children need some guidelines as to what is acceptable behavior. If a parent won't take the time to explain to a child why they object to a certain type of music, find them an alternative interest to violent games, discuss why someone's behavior on a TV show or movie is morally wrong, who's to blame if the child grows up without the ability to value human life? People have children without really realizing the commitment they're making to shaping a life. Even in two parent families, they both need to work to keep afloat in today's economy. No one is watching out for the children anymore. I've taken a lot of flak from people because I choose to stay home and care for my family. I may not be the best mother on earth (I screw up plenty, believe me!) but at least I know what's going on in my kid's life, even if that means we live from paycheck to paycheck most weeks.
I don't know how relevant this is to this discussion, but everytime I hear about something like this I think about a study I read about once. Some scientists were trying to determine how overcrowding effected society. They put a lot of rats in a small enclosed space and observed their behavior. The rats went crazy. Do you think our territorial aggressions are erupting in violence because the world is just too darn crowded?

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