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Subject: A cat may look at a king, I've read that in some book, but I don't remember where.

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Date Posted: Wed, Apr 07 2004, 1:27:06 pm PDT

I must admit that the logic of some station executives amazes me. How can anyone possibly decide whether or not to axe a show after only a handful of episodes beggars belief. Moving Wonderfalls to Thursday after Tru Calling wasn’t really helping much. Tru Calling is struggling itself and is also under threat.

Speaking of Tru Calling Sky have decided to show it over here in the UK and I think that it starts on Friday 23rd. Which is great timing as that day is Faith Appreciation Day too!!

Still speaking of shows being axed, I read recently that Alyson Hannigan maybe available to appear in the final episodes of Angel. Her understudy is currently filling in for her in the stage version of “When Harry Met Sally” whilst she films that pilot for her new comedy series (which our very own tarasApprentice made mention of a little while back) in LA.

Almond: Trip to Coventry was fine and my parents are okay thanks for asking. I’m a little behind on Tru Calling So I haven’t seen The JP episode yet (Hopefully tonight). I’m not too sure about the new guy Jack that Davis hired to work in the morgue, I think that there is some a little dodgy about him.

Kung Fu: Have to say that I agree with you and the comments that you make with your rant. It seems that good original quality programming is suffering these days. I don’t know what it’s like where you are but we have a glut of reality shows over here including “celebrities” exercising and dieting on a show call “Celebrity Fat Club”, you just know that it’s a great program by the title.

Corsa: Welcome back! I decided to follow in your footsteps and I’m spending some time in New York the next time I’m in America which will be late October to early November. I’m staying in Manhattan (the hotels on 42nd street which I think was a musical) and wonder if you had any places that you would recommend visiting, apart from Wendy’s that is.

Evil Goddess: Sorry to hear to that your parents don’t let you have a heeler pup (don’t know what one of those is). If you’re ever interested in adding a teddy bear to your menagerie I might be able to help you out.

tarasApprentice:Sorry to hear about your poor hand *warlock pulls some herbs from his pocket and begins to chant
I charge these herbs to aid my spell,
that tarasApprentice will be well,
That by free will that can be blessed,
with total health and happiness,
I ask the Goddess to hear my call,
that it may be correct and for the good of all.
I call upon a breath of wind,
Empowered by the Spirit of Air,
To carry my spell toward my kin,
and gracefully deliver it there.
By all the power of three times three,
this spell bound around shall be,
To cause no harm, nor return on me,
As I do will, So mote it be!

Hope it helps easy the pain

Must rush and get some nose bag something to eat..

Take care all!!

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