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Subject: Good morning, all!

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Date Posted: Thu, Feb 26 2004, 6:18:23 am PST

Almond strolls into the Magic Box with a mug of coffee in one hand and a large bag of veterinarian-approved panther treats because she feels bad about the part she played in the Cheese Incident and misses the big furry cat in the other. She sets the latter down near the stairs to the lurker loft and wanders over to her comfy chair to sit awhile.

Hugs all! Well, someone in my neighborhood has a very short life expectancy - he just doesn't know it yet! I was watching the new "Angel" episode last night, and the program kept fuzzing out from cb bleed-over. At first it was just the picture, but by the end of the show it was affecting the sound, too. Argg! Haven't these people heard of filters?
(Spoiler for "Hole in the World") * Is Fred really DEAD!?! ARRGGG! Joss is weevil! It's bad enough that the WB has killed our show - must Joss kill all our favorite characters, too?
On the other hand - PossessedDeadFred looks really cool! *g*

Oh - and an astronaut could so kick a neanderthal's butt! 'Cause he would be smart and know martial arts. *g*
* (End spoiler for "Hole in the World")

Fire:Hi sweetie!
I'm so sorry you didn't have a chance to say good-bye to your friend! He'll be getting a leave when basic training is over, though. Right? Maybe you can ask his mom to let you know when he's coming home and make a point of seeing him then. I'm sure he'd be very happy to get letters from you while he's doing his time in the service. Try not to worry too much about him if you can help it - find something to take your mind off of it if you can. {{Hugs}}!

Kung Fu: How weird is this? I found an article in my inbox this morning from one of the newsletters I subscribe to......it was called "Cloning Demystified". *g* I don't have time to read the whole thing right now, but it looks interesting from the small amount of skimming I did. (The really funny thing is, it had been sitting there a long time - I just never got around to opening it! *g*)

Rack: Did you know strawberry plants clone themselves? (See above) Hey, did you have anything to do with that? *g*

OK, I'm off to Dad's house. I probably won't be back until tomorrow, so have a good day everyone!

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