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Subject: Good Morning, All!

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Date Posted: Thu, Mar 18 2004, 6:07:27 am PST

Almond wanders through the door almost ready to face the day. She's armed with a large mug of coffee, a copy of this week's TV Guide and a Things To Do list as long as her arm. Hearing some unusual noise, she peeks in the back room. Stunned, she shakes her head in disbelief and gives her coffee a suspicious look. It must be the coffee, because she knows she did not just see the panther, Teddy, the goat and the hiefer playing poker together! The fact that they were playing for cookies and Teddy was winning makes the scene a lot more believable somehow. Putting the sight firmly out of her mind, she sits down in her comfy chair and checks the first item off her list - "Visit Magic Box".

{{Hugs}} everyone! Don't forget there's a new "Tru Calling" tonight. Also, the "Wonderfalls" pilot is being rerun afterward for those of you who might have missed it (or would like to rope a friend/family member into watching). That's not listed in my TV Guide, but if you read the letter from Tim Minear that tarasApprentice posted (Thanks! *s*) he mentions it. I plan on coercing my Dad and brother into watching, and I've been trying to get hold of the nephew who claims to have a Nielsen box (so far no luck). I'd really like to see this show last awhile!

Dogtrot: I wish I could tell you the name of the instrument, but I can't remember. It takes a big color picture of each eye which shows absolutely everything. They store it and compare it to later tests. He was saying things like "this is the optic nerve" and "this bright area is a film young people have on the back of their eye". It was very cool.
Well, her eyes are good, but she wears glasses. (Does that make sense? *g*) Her vision had improved since her last check-up, though. She got to pick out new glasses, which made her very happy. We let her get tinted ones. *g*

I post from "work" too! *eg*

Fiery Goddessy Goodness: I'm really sorry to hear that, but it's a good thing to know what was causing your distress. I know it won't be easy cutting dairy products out of your diet. When girl-child was born, she started having problems after I brought her home. Three days later she was back in the hospital for tests. One of the things that was bothering her was a sensitivity to dairy products. Because I was nursing, I had to cut them out of my diet, too. It made it very hard to find things I could eat! Going out to eat was almost impossible. There's actually a law in Wisconsin that restaurants must use butter unless the customer specifies otherwise. Well, it's the Dairy State after all. *g*

I have to run. My list is calling my name. Almond hears a tiny voice wafting up from the paper in her hand. It does not seem to be saying "Almond", however. Something about "get up out of that chair now, or I'll..." Bye!!!

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