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Date Posted: 07:00:43 12/07/02 Sat
Author: Scroll
Subject: Did you see that phallic symbol?!? (spoilers for War Stories)

Please tell me I'm not the only one with her mind in the gutter!

Mal and Wash are being tortured, Wash wishes Mal had slept with Zoe, Mal says, "okay, I'll sleep with her" or something to that effect, we cut to an exterior shot of Nische's space station. We see an arm of the space station rotate out so that it meets up with a crater of the moon behind it. It's so phallic, it's funny! Did anyone notice this or am I just depraved?

Jayne watching Inara say good-bye to the councilor. "I'll be in my bunk." "Jayne, grab your weapon," says Zoe. My God, who wrote this ep? More innuendo than you can shake a stick at and I'm suddenly wondering at that expression and I'm a sick, sick individual... Y'know, I used to be such an innocent, virtuous girl :P

Okay, to get serious, here is my (attempt at a) review for "War Stories":

Knowing Oneself
In my opinion, one of the most fascinating aspects of the "post-Civil War" angle is the idea of the veteran soldier. This soldier is hardened, caustic, cautious to the point of paranoia, distrustful of the government that denied them their freedom. This soldier can't even crunch down into a huge, healthsome apple because experience has taught them that even the most appetising fruit has its dangers. Mal and Zoe are no Adam and Eve. The fruit doesn't tempt them. To them, apples are grenades, grenades are apples.

Meeting Oneself
Wash doesn't get it. He knows he doesn't get it. He knows that Zoe and Mal share something beyond his comprehension. Like the average civilian, he wants the "story", the tale of how the intrepid heroes faced danger and managed to scheme their way out and survived. Nische gives Wash his trial-by-fire, and our poor pilot barely survives. He would've been broken if not for Mal keeping him coherent and Zoe coming to rescue him. But Wash shows his mettle, his growing understanding that a true soldier "leaves no man behind".

Being Oneself
When they retreat from the company of men, Inara and the councilor can finally drop the "show" and be themselves. While Wash finds his true self in a cruciable of gunfire, Mal in Nische's torture chamber, Inara uncovers herself by lowering her defences. She willingly shares her true self in a sanctuary, with no external forces coercing her.

Trusting Oneself
Book clearly has some military or secret service training in his past. The guy obviously knows weapons. So what made this veteran fighter turn to peace and religion? How does he reconcile his beliefs and his actions (though I really do appreciate the knee-cap line). Same with Simon: how does he reconcile his doctor's oath with shooting people (even though he missed)? I'm glad to see that even with the torture and ear-loss (hey, is Nische related to Connor over on Angel?) Mal took the time to worry over Simon's feelings. Jayne thinks it's suicide, then suits up anyway, and takes Vera out somewhere nice.

Kaylee, the poor dear. She must be feeling kinda low that she cracked under pressure (not that I blame her, I would've scampered much sooner) when her Captain needed her. I also think she's not gonna be playing tag with River any time soon. There was awe and fear in Kaylee's eyes; I don't think she'll ever be able to look at River the same way again. Kaylee faced her crucible but couldn't stand the heat. Hopefully she won't let this experience cast doubt on her abilities in the future. I'd love to see her gain courage as she matures.

River, you are one scary little sister. You scare me way more than Dawn or Fred. "No power in the 'verse can stop me." Shivers just run up and down my spine. Love the fact you threw up on your big brother's bed. That's just so like a younger sibling :)

Zoe is a goddess. I love the fact that Mal did a double-take when Wash said Zoe vowed to obey. The writer (who wrote this ep?) did a marvelous job of showing how most of Wash's doubts about Zoe's love were all in his head. I love Mal's confusion over Wash's behaviour. Mal didn't even register that Wash could ever be jealous of him because he and Zoe just don't see each other that way. Love Gia Torres' straight face when she says to Mal, "Take me, sir. Take me hard." Wonder how many times they had to shot that scene or if they managed to do it in the first take without howling their heads off!

Damn, I love this show.

Send letters to FOX and the sponsors! They can't take this show from us!

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