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Date Posted: 21:46:35 12/08/02 Sun
Author: JM
Subject: Re: Definition of UST?
In reply to: Robert 's message, "Definition of UST?" on 21:25:35 12/08/02 Sun

I'm pretty sure it means Unspoken Sexual Tension. It might be Undisclosed or something else though. From my fanfic experience it's the no-person's land between subtextual and textual.

What me and L. Colford were twittering on about is that the tensions between crew members have at the very least a subtextual sexual vibe. In the ep, that was the tension that Wash was reacting to. Mal and Zoe might not have any, any, ever sexual attraction, but their closeness, almost psychic connection prompts in some viewers a sutextual romantic tension. If her husband was allowed to mis-read so are we. We know Inara is performatively bi, though I think it says more about the professional than the woman, but it does add subtext to her friendship with Kaylee, and by extension to Kaylee's friendship with River. (Though personally I would suspect that there's no UST with anyone and River until she's a lot more cogent. What we saw was just funning.) Mal and Inara are almost cannon.

Jayne has given more than a few a kind of bi vibe. That mudder who died for him helped muddy the waters, since they were practically snuggling the night before. If we're not just imagining things, he's got a serious dominance-submissions dynamic going with Mal even if nothing ever would happen. And he's got some kind of guilt issues going with Simon. Who was giving him the dreaded hero treatment and has a pretty mouth, according to Jayne. For some of us Simon's proclivities are still in doubt. "I would never, not with Kaylee."

So, umm.... That's UST and that's UST on Serenity and that's UST with some of the more imaginative of us. God help us. Gorram it.

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