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Date Posted: 03:49:28 12/09/02 Mon
Author: oboemaboe
Subject: River ain't scary.
In reply to: Philistine 's message, "Re: Extra degrees of precision... (extremely detailed River spoiler)" on 20:04:35 12/08/02 Sun

I've always like Kaylee, but at the end of WS, I wanted to shout at her, "grow up!" River just saved her life; the appropriate response would be gratitude.

Niska's men were approaching Kaylee's position, and River could easily have run and hid in the walls again. Instead she did something scary that she clearly didn't want to do and took no pleasure in (like Philistine said, she was shaking and whimpering), just to save Kaylee. So Kaylee responds by gawking like an idiot and shutting her out? I would have said something like, "You rock! Tell me all about what you can do." Or, "You want to practice fighting sometime in the cargo bay?" She has to at least tell Simon what happened.

When has there ever been the slightest reason to doubt that River is on the Serenity crew's side? The only time she hurt anyone was Jayne, and then she was lashing out at Blue Sun, not Jayne himself. Even then, it was only a mild cut.

I didn't find River repeating Kaylee's words at all ominous. I thought it was more a gesture of solidarity, like she was saying, "I've got wild talents, and I'm on your side, so no need to worry." Now, if she had said the same words to Niska's men before blowing them away, then it would have been scary: "I've got wild talents, and you're dead meat."

Even if Kaylee thought River was even slightly scary or dangerous, withdrawing human contact and socialization is supposed to, what, make her *more* stable? Get a grip, Kaylee. I've been saying to myself for weeks that Kaylee has always been so warm-hearted that she of all people is most likely to make overtures of friendship to River. That's why I was so pleased by the beginning of this episode. A momentary wiggins I suppose could be forgivable, but if they aren't speaking again next ep., I'm going to be very disappointed.

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