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Date Posted: 09:57:33 12/10/02 Tue
Author: Robert
Subject: I agree with a some of your points.
In reply to: shambleau 's message, "Why those scenes were still a mistake" on 21:12:47 12/09/02 Mon

>>> Okay, provocative title there.

This is the first point with which I agree.

>>> No way we didn't permanently lose at least a few of the more conservative viewers.

Yes, this probably happened, and what a commentary it is. Mutant Enemy didn't really show us anything -- it merely implied. A half dozen other shows have done much more, but they do it imcompetently, and this is the real difference. Joss Whedon is shocking, not for what he shows us, but the emotions he evokes.

>>> ... I was marveling that this was being shown at eight o'clock and thinking there could be some negative consequences.

Yes, this is a problem. The show is more suitable for the 9:00 time slot that John Doe currently holds, and it always has been. Take the first episode, The Train Job. How many parents are going to want their younger children seeing the protagonist pushing someone through an engine turbine? Maybe, FOX network will find it in their heart to provide a more suitable time slot after the hiatus (assuming the show ever returns).

I watch and enjoy BtVS, AtS, and Firefly for the powerful story telling and the strong emotions they evoke. If the only way we can keep these shows on the air is to water them down, then I would find this a truly sad situation. However, as BtVS and AtS has shown, this is not the only way to keep them on the air. UPN and WB have done fairly well in managing their shows.

I firmly believe that if FOX network had shown the viewing public even the smallest trust and respect, then the ratings for Firefly wouldn't be so precarious. The show is obviously meant for the adult fans of science fiction, but FOX puts it in the family viewing timeslot. NBC put the original Star Trek on the 9:00 time slot (on Thursday nights, I believe), partly because of its more challenging themes. I get the feeling that FOX thinks that Firefly is just kiddie sci-fi.

>>> Please, no "blahblahblah goodriddance blahblahblah artistic freedom cakes" responses.

I would never get into such a pissing match, because I hold that artistic freedom works both ways. The consuming public has equal freedom to not purchase artistic works the public doesn't like.

However, I do have a problem with setting Mutant Enemy up for the blame, should the show fail. If it fails, it won't be because one woman gave another a back rub. Otherwise, BtVS would have died long ago.

Let us turn it around. What would the comments on this board have been if it was revealed that Joss Whedon removed Inara's more controversial elements from the show, in order to appease the more extreme elements of the viewing public? What if Joss had decided not to make Willow gay, for fear of offending a portion of the population? This board and others would have gone nuts. I am a little surprised to see postings now, advocating the appeasement of extreme elements. If you need someone to blame for the failure of Firefly, please direct it to FOX network.

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