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Date Posted: 10:03:44 12/13/02 Fri
Author: LurkerBoy
Subject: repost of a message from joss
In reply to: the poster Formerly Known as TeacherBoy 's message, "Bearer of Bad News" on 23:50:28 12/12/02 Thu

Message from Joss on the Phoenix Board:
joss - Dec 13, 2002 7:49:36 am EST #7717 of 7737 Mark
Kiba owes me her life.

Four AM. Can't sleep. Who'd have thought?

There's a couple of things I'd like to say. And a few things I really can't. First of all, I'm prouder of this show and the people I worked with on it than I can express in words, monkey noises, or hyroglyphics. I believe this has been some fairly great TV. And the experience of making it... I've had crew members who've been working for 20 years say they've never worked around such excitement, support and love. You walk on that set, you're transported. The cast: 9 count 'em 9 incredibly talented actors who are all decent, wonderful people. This phenomenon cannot be explained by science.

Second of all, don't think for a second that I have given up on this show. I think it has been mistreated shamefully, but the Fox network has indicated that they would not stand in the way (which they can) of my finding a new home for the show. That's no easy prospect. But I will do everything in my power, as always, to keep this bird in the air. Of course I'll post if there's any news.

But even if the show goes back up elsewhere, I'm going to lose a good portion of my crew. Production will halt, they'll need to find new jobs. You can't imagine how that feels. How much they brought to the table, how hard and well they worked. And their Christmas bonus is this. As much as the cast, the staff, and my not so secret lover Minear, I honor those guys, and hope to get them back on board.

So for now, I proudly take my place beside Profit, The Ben Stiller Show, the Tick, and Action. But I won't rest until I've found safe harbour (no, not the Gregory Harrison show) for this vessel.

I've got the time.

It ain't like I'm sleeping.


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