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Date Posted: 09:53:05 12/21/02 Sat
Author: AurraSing
Subject: Complicated is a nice way of putting it...
In reply to: Terrie 's message, "Relationships (spoilers)" on 09:18:33 12/21/02 Sat

I'll agree that sometimes actions do speak louder than words but in Mal's case going out of his way on most public occasions to either belittle Inara or embarass her is sick-making,at least IMHO. I can see Jayne saying those kind of things but while we know Mal talks tough but has a marshmallowy center at times,his public persona towards Inara speaks more of bullying than it does of frustrated love.I know Joss loves the whole concept of 'you always hurt the one you love' but while in Spike or Xander's case the hurting comes from either being "evil" or terrified (the big X/A wedding fiasco),Mal's bitter sniping towards Inara seems out of character for a man we are supposed to at least like.I've never judged Mal for killing when it's needed,like the Federal agent or Niska's henchman but I will judge his character for the way he has chosen to handle his relationship with the Companion.

You don't need to hit someone to hurt them and I would have liked to have the chance to see Inara's reason for staying with Serenity despite her abuse at Mal's hands. It's one thing to put up with situations that seem hard to take (as Zoe has to do with Mal sometimes) but another to put up with public ridicule when you could simply depart.Why does Inara put up with it?

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