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Date Posted: 09:19:53 12/23/02 Mon
Author: LurkerBoy, who *really* needs a new name
Subject: A repost from Joss Whedon

Joss asked that this be reposted here:

joss - Dec 23, 2002 11:31:37 am EST #1255 of 1301 Mark
Kiba owes me her life.

Hey, It's me. Not ME, but actual me, who started ME. It's very confusing.

Just read Tim's post. Hey, is that guy a downer or what? Love him like a brother but, hey, buddy, crack a brew once in a while! Lighten up! It's not the end of the world! It's the end of an entire GALAXY of worlds, a universe of endless narrative possiblities, the crushing end of the hearts and souls of dozens of great artists working together to create something greater than any one of themselves.

Oh. Oops. Yeah.

I wasn't there, those last few days. Only extremely important personal business could have kept me away, and it did. Besides, I didn't want to be there just being all official about THE END. Because I refuse to give up. I can't.

If and when they air the last three eps we shot for them, you will see no great closure, no final statement. Because that would have been giving up too. I want this story to continue. Or be reborn. In some -- ANY -- forum. I am, as you all know, in love.

What are our chances? Not good. Just not. That's a reality of the system. But I will use everything in my arsenal, get everyone I know to work this, find a home, find a way. If it can be done, it will. If it can't... if it can't then all the fighting, all the pain, all the geniune creative agony Tim and I (and others) suffered over the last year will still have been worth it. Just for the chance to walked that ship, lived with that crew, known those folk. Told those stories. But enough of that past tense defeatism. That's Minear Talk. (I'm gonna get so much **** for that...)

One last thing. Once the holidays are over, and I wade back in, it's probably gonna be along, protracted, difficult fight even if I DO find someone who wants the show. These things are never simple. So knowing that I have an ARMY behind me, knowing how much you guys care and are willing to do... well it helps. A great deal.

I'd be grateful if someone could post this on the sites I can't remember my passwords for, so they know i said it. You guys are the best.

(And, for the record, I'd have given up this show last april if it wasn't for Tim. So that "Minear Talk" thing, that was just cheap. I love cheap.)


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