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Date Posted: 20:03:57 05/23/04 Sun
Author: DarkAngel
Subject: *wings of the red flame*
In reply to: Desperado's Soul 's message, "*~*Why Don't You COme To Your Senses*~*" on 15:21:46 05/23/04 Sun

**The Vix ne'er shifted, but stayed standing listening to the two brutes discuss matters of trust and allies. what good was it to discuss these things in time of war?..still..she had began discussion with firelight almost in an identical fashion. and had yet to see if she would be beta to the dark queen, that she trusted so strongly. their friendship was growing. and she was proving herself quickly..A deadly smile painted across her soft lips. cold icy eyes glimpsing from one brute to the other.Auds slipped forward in one swift motion she had turned to face the outer border of the lands. nails scratched at the earth below her once again tearing at its contents. then she moved forward in a graceful mannered trot, skull lowered, icy eyes turning red once more..she was on defense..a sound was growing louder from the border..the sound of an enemy perhaps..she wouldnt risk anything, She was dubbed protector of darkevergreens by firelight, and soon most likely to be mare if she kept it up. by all means she wasnt going to take this for grantite. Hooves picked up into a steady run. she stopped to see that the sound was a wolf pup walking along a trail with his mother. who was just on defense of a close male. auds moved back a little, and her defense dropped slightly. she had done well..and was glad that this wasnt any danger to her home. orbs turned back to the two brutes, before she left the scene. off to check the other side of the evergreens..and hopefully speak again with firelight.*

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