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Date Posted: 14:17:27 05/28/04 Fri
Author: Firelight
Subject: //fire. hybrid\\
In reply to: Het Vuur 's message, "† Fuego Animado †" on 12:21:02 05/28/04 Fri

[Just to let ya know, Firelight and Dagger aren't mates. But she does have a mate dark.shadow.. just so ya know.]

The proud damsel immediately spotted the ink-stained beast as he entered her lands. So he hadn't just disappeared as she had assumed so. That was interesting, liquid movements drew herself towards the interesting stag. He had been a kind of personality she hadn't really seen in the Mountains, and was most definitely intrigued. However, she would have to be careful with him, she still didn't know what tricks he might have to pull. There was that untrusting never let 'em get close attitude she had held from her first step into the land of darkness. As she came closer to the ebony virile steel coils ceased movement. With a quick overlook she could see the exhaustion in the opposite equine. At first she said nothing, pausing, then allowing her voice passage. Silky smooth with the regular hint of fire that ran in her veins were undercurrents in her tone.

"Well, you made it here and didn't get lost. Welcome to the 'Greens Het Vuur isn't it?"

The young five-year-old minx was pretty sure it was his calling. But her memory wasn't great when it came to names, faces she would remember names however weren't on the top of her list. Actually the only things she was remembering lately were the Light horses, and their lands. If she could draw up a memory of the lay of the land it would be easier to make an attack. Though with the re-entry of her mate dark. shadow she was thrown a fraction. She had pushed him away from mind but now he was back. It was good, but she hoped he was more likely to hang around longer this time. She needed back up for her raid on the Light lands. Maybe the sahib before her would be interested in a little battling. She made a note to ask him later. Right now it was see his response to her question, and see how that went.

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