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Date Posted: 20:18:51 06/04/04 Fri
Author: : dark.shadow :
Subject: : blank.earth :
In reply to: jaws 's message, "unsafe waters" on 18:55:41 06/04/04 Fri

: a.scratchy.throat :

: ah, the stage was set for his genesis, as usual. while the torrential downpour roared vivaciously to life overhead, the taciturn virile had crept up with an almost deranged languidness. emerging from the drenched foilage noiselessly; his toned, nimble structure able to navigate without so much as an absentminded whisper, he stealthily halted in close quarters to the little gathering. a brilliant flash of alabaster and violet, blazing electricity zapped a nearby treetop with awesome power, illuminating their standpoint eerily for a few precious seconds. one minute the tree were alone; and the next they had been joined by : dark.shadow :, his appearance true to the bellicose wraith he was reputed to be in some circles. :

: his glinting, cruel chasms of emerald pyre and ice swept first over the satiny vermilion of firelight's hide, assuring himself she was nothing but a bit unnerved. then they shifted to the jetty hue of the...fresian,he wanted to say...stag, a slight edge of abhorrance glimmering in his eye like the blade of a serrated knife...deadly, and once you cut yourself it takes longer than the body's supply of blood to heal...if you know what you're doing. but that passed before the other could decipher it, most likely. after all, he had reasons to be mistrustful of this hotheaded, inky brujo anyway. that'd be dealt with later, though, if ever. : dark :'s jade occuli then drifted to the last one remaining, an alabaster czar. upon the first glimpse of him, he felt as if he would strongly dislike this tycoon. no time to worry about what he felt towards insignificant steeds. he had to respond to the voicings of the insolent one foremost. speak now, ask questions later. :

: "don't be so sure about that. i think i might fancy staying around, so don't try to talk me out of it. i'm warning you, it won't work." :

: a decisive flare of the paperthin nostrils in his cherry muzzle followed his short and to-the-point speech. oh, how he lusted to snipe at the pallid bastard and bring him down a peg or two, knock him off his high horse[haha], etc. etc. you all know the sayings, i believe? the red roan macromime nonchalantly tossed strands of silk fire from his line of sight, the others plastered to his sharply arched ophidian by heavy preciptation that landed on his sleek pearly and carnelian coat in a stinging tattoo of nature's cunning force. stalwart appendages carried his muscular arab mutt physique closer to the minx, defensively and protectively. receptive, ruby-tipped thorns flipped in different directions, catching sounds from every bearing. the hessian was well prepared for any reaction, but appeared halcyon as ever. just your typical : dark.shadow : there. :

: i.wish.you.would.lift.this,i.drink.liquids :

[ooc]hey riley, what's up with fireligt and het vuur? does she want to leave dark or somethin'? just curious...[/ooc]

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