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Date Posted: 18:55:41 06/04/04 Fri
Author: jaws
Subject: unsafe waters
In reply to: Firelight 's message, "//fire. hybrid\\" on 17:56:08 06/04/04 Fri

the grin which was once placed over features now twisted into a grimace as his chisled dial turned slowly to view the male which thought it so appropriate to intrude apon the two in conversation, dark optics trailing behind the movement as his gaze was fixiated on the beauty before him. it was a shame the bastard had to come and ruin things, but such is the male race once inhabited by jealousy. the pallid beat sensed at one point in time his new aqquiantance had been rejected by fair lady here.

no breath was yet wasted on the new comer as he silently sized up his opponent, so he had him in height, not by much though. but did the lumbering fool have the speed or the cunning nature? he assumed not. lobes moved forwards to catch the others vocals and his smug grin once again returned as he realized the charade the other was putting on. haha, trying to be the manly one, eh? nostrils flared, the dark crimson interior shown in frustration and sheer annoyance, and allowing the pugent scent of the other to be labeled. more a moment silence was upheld as he satred at the other in disgust and made sure it was more than obvious that he was the one unwelcome here. dispite the now absent smell of fear he was receiving from the mare. at the soound of her voice his crania snapped back to its past position as he listened once again to her sarcasim, how he loved her sense of dry humor. optics danced across hers as he recognized the subtle dig at the other male and he was pleased. extremly pleased. turning to face the other once again his dappled lips parted and released his own baratone response, seasoned with a threat and maybe a little dash of arrogance.

just a conversation between aquiantances, my lad. no need for a chaperone here, and much less need for a party pooper.

right eye lid closed in wink following his words, his hindquarters shifting to rest behind him as he watched the ebony stallion intently, perhaps he was foolish enough the start something he could not finish. dull ivorn peltry rippled slightly as firm muscles bunched together, waiting for some form of further hostility. hoping was more like it.

his gaze shifted for a moment back to the fairer of the three, noticing her optics celestial bound and realized she sensed something. he began to feel the soft patter of rain hitting the upperside of his body, its intensity increasing with every passing second until it began to fall in brutal sheets, tearing at the foliage above his head and encopasing him. so thats what it was. sign of relief escaped his lungs as the winds picked up and now roared through the trees. the moonlight that had once cascaded peacfully down was now hidden from veiw, sending the three into darkness. it took a few moment for his optics to adjust to the drastic change in lighting, his pupils now more borad so as to tak in any light he could find. the rain poured steadily from the heavens.

oh how he endeared the rain.

[ x take a plunge x ]

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