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Date Posted: 14:07:31 06/05/04 Sat
Author: : dark.shadow :
Subject: : blank.earth :
In reply to: Firelight 's message, "//fire.hybrid\\" on 23:40:27 06/04/04 Fri

: spreading.true,i.hope :

: the inundation immersing him physically and emotionally as he placidly observed the happenings that rolled out before him like an old movie, the black and white variety with no sound; were anything but trivial. he could almost see the flickering quality and pale flecks in his viridian spheres, and only an old movie could have a plot this awful. his perceptive harks ceased twitching, curved so much they almost brushed at the zeniths. he listened to the obsidian capon's banter; an invisible brow raised. don't underestimate your opponents, het vurr, they might come back and bite you on the ass. figuretively speaking, of course. if jaws wanted to take a chunk out of your backside, i don't think we'd have to worry about him being around firelight, eh? :

: of course, his sensitive lobes caught firelight's mumblings as she turned tail and hauled herself outta there, and he started to trail her. in midstep, he halted; the bent pinion of rouge smashing back down to the trampled foliage. a perplexed snort blew tiny clouds of mist from his nares, the whispered growl of disorient mumbled to himself. :

: "what in the hell..." :

: and then he was alone with two vexed and belligerent demons, disgruntled at her sudden escape. he had been thwarted...by his own mate? it made not one lick of sense. now, he was kind of irate. snapping his warmblooded skull towards the duo, a callous simper of sinful and unfeeling enmity made his verdigris optics scintillate ruthlessly. a set of bass pipes opened up in his larynx, deep and frigid words the result. :

: "well boys, you've talked me out of staying here. lucky you. if either of you feel like you've got a score to settle, i'll be around later. just come looking for me, i'm not hard to find." :

: with a derisive chortle, the alabaster and carmine mogul gryated on dexterous sticks. his anatomy resembling that of a much more muscular than normal arabian slipped into the shadows that crept slowly towards them; the darkness cloaking him greedily and silkily. his heavily feathered pillars propelled the roan forwards, the fuzz; like an optical illusion, appeared as flames leaping around his sable daggers. elvis has left the building, people. :

: a.blank.earth.covered.in.nothing,living :

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